Mom’s Recollections of Her Grandma

증조 할아버지 - 엘리스

My Grandpa used to tell me that Mom and Great Grandma were close. Great Grandma could be very stubborn, so Grandpa used to send Mom to talk to her about going to the doctor, <스팬 bbox_x = "302"bbox_y = "1186"bbox_w = "19"bbox_h = "20"fsize = "14"fweight = "3"빨간색 = "255"녹색 = "255"블루 = "255"알파 = ". I will let Mom tell you about her grandmother in her own words. Caroline better known as Lee was a woman before her time. 에

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캐롤라인 레아 “바람이 불어가는 쪽” 엘리스


내 큰 할머니, 캐롤라인 레아 “바람이 불어가는 쪽” Ellis nee Johannpeter was born to Frederick William August Johannpeter, 1839 – 1903, and Joanna Grieve, 1843 – Unknown, 세인트에서. 찰스, 6 월 MO 13, 1881. She was the second youngest of six siblings, Gustav, 안나, Amalia “Marie”, Julius “Jules” and Charles Frederick. Great Grandma was said to be a very strong-willed person.

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The 1953 Great St. 루이 은행 강도


금요일에, 4월 24, 1953, 세 남자와 도주 드라이버는 사우스 웨스트 애비뉴와 S의 모퉁이에 강탈 사우스 뱅크 시도. 세인트에서 Kingshighway대로. 루이, MO. 세인트. 루이 경찰은 강도를 저지, 의 초점이 된 1959 영화, 그레이트 세인트. 루이 은행 강도. The film is now in the public domain. Fred W. Bowerman,

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