Martial Arts Is A Family Affair


One of the best thing about the martial arts such as Taekwondo is the ability for fathers, mothers, children, grandchildren and other family members to train together. You develop a mutual interest you cannot replicate by sitting in the stands watching your children play baseball, soccer, <스팬 bbox_x = "302"bbox_y = "1186"bbox_w = "19"bbox_h = "20"fsize = "14"fweight = "3"빨간색 = "255"녹색 = "255"블루 = "255"알파 = ". Besides training with all three of my kids and my wife, who trained

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In Memory of Ernest C. 디아즈, 1932-2008


My stepfather, 어니스트 C. 디아즈, 세인트에서 태어났다. 루이, MO on Saturday, 할 수있다 21, 1932. It was the same day Amelia Earhart became the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean in an airplane. Dad was the youngest of five children born to Joseph (조세프) Diaz and Marie Moellenberg Diaz. Dad said the family did not have a lot

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요셉 디아즈 세인트에 온다. 루이스 1917


조셉 (조세프) 디아즈는 내 계부했다, 어니스트 C. 디아즈의 아버지. 어니 또는 아빠가 요셉과 마리 디아즈의 아들 Moellenberg을 태어나 셨했다. Joseph was a first generation immigrant from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. 조셉 월에 태어났다 12, 1893. 그의 사망 증명서에 따르면,, 그의 부모는 Ulalio이었다 (Eulalio) 디아즈와 디아즈 베티 니 라미. I have

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The Mad Doctor Meets the Somnambulist


What happens is the first commercially successful art film (제휴 링크). The Cabinet of Dr. 칼리 가리 (1920) was released in January 1920 becoming a German and international sensation. It marked the beginning of a German film revival during the 1920s The German Expressionist Movement in German art strongly influenced this film. Expressionist paintings were known for buildings sloped at

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