Hack and What It Takes To Be Great


דזשארזש האַקקענסטשמידט (1877-1968) was a world record holding weightlifter and World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion before wrestling was prearranged and lifters were using steroids. Hackenschmidt achieved a level of greatness due to several factors. He achieved a high level of physical fitness. His physical condition allowed him to be the most successful wrestler of his era. A few wrestlers may have been

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סגט. King’s Home on Lotus Avenue


איך פריער געשריבן וועגן אַ אינצידענט אין וואָס אַ דעטעקטיווע סערגעאַנט פֿאַר די סט. לוי פּאָליצייַ איז שאָס בעשאַס אַ גנייווע פּרווון. Unlike a number of other incidents in Gilded Age St. לוי געשיכטע, Detective Sergeant James Martin King’s home in January 1920 still exists. The home is still in excellent condition. 4973 Lotus Avenue was the home of Sgt. King in

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Five Can’t Miss Judo Throws


These five Judo throws are fairly simple to execute and are not dependent on a Judo gi for proper execution. A throw can often devastate an attacker and take the fight right out of them. 1) Osoto gari (Major Outer Reaping Throw) -Don’t neglect this throw because it seems very basic. Olympic Gold Medals have been won with it. די

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Robbers Kill Detective Sergeant in 1920


אויף אַ קאַלט יאנואר נאַכט אין 1920, די דעדליאַסט יאָר פֿאַר סט. לוי פּאָליצייַ, kicked off violently. Two not so-bright robbers attempted to rob one of the largest and bravest officers on the St. לוי פּאָליצייַ דעפּאַרטמענט. סט. Louis Police Detective Sergeant James Martin King was walking to his home at 4973 Lotus Avenue via N. קינגשיגהווייַ באָולעוואַרד, when two

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