Charlie Chan titkos (1936)


The series of the Charlie Chan films starring Warner Oland were probably the strongest films in the Charlie Chan series. Sidney Toler made several good films also but eventually the series would become low-budget “B” films produced by Monogram Pictures. Charlie Chan titkos (1936) (affiliate link) was one of the earlier Twentieth-Century Fox films about Charlie Chan. The production values

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Zbyszko and the Last Shoot Match


Stanislaus Zbyszko was born Stanislaw Jan Cyganiewicz on April 1, 1879 in Jodlow, Lengyelország, which was part of the Austria-Hungarian Empire. Szerint a Wikipedia, he chose the ring name Stanislaus Zbyszko because it was the name of a fictional Polish knight. An article in the Walla Walla, Washington newspaper, The Evening Statesman’s Tuesday, Február 8, 1910 edition, publicized Zbyszko’s university and

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The Black Camel (1931)


The Black Camel (1931) is the oldest surviving Charlie Chan film (affiliate link) starring Warner Oland. Ez volt a második film a sorozat a Fox Films. Az első, harmadik, negyedik és ötödik film elveszett, bár a spanyol nyelvű változata Charlie Chan folytatja (Tizenhárom volt, 1931) létezik. The Black Camel was released on June 21, 1931.

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Easton Taylor Trust Company Robbery


Április 5, 1920, Frederick Charles Smith, néven is ismert “A vörös hajú Bandit”, besétált a Easton-Taylor Trust Company at 4474 Easton Avenue. Smith volt a revolver mindkét kezében, és követelte a pénzt a pénztáros. Fearing for his life, the clerk promptly dropped $15,309 Egy zsák. John Lanigan, the bank’s president, sat in his office off the lobby

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