Ħallelin Auto Joqtlu Pulizija Ieħor


William Dillon kien jirrispondu għall-rapporti dwar il-qtil ta 'Uffiċjal McKenna mill-Brothers Lewis. Dillon maħsub li l-Brothers Lewis, li kienu awtomatiku u wajer ħallelin, kienu responsabbli għall-mewt McKenna. Dillon proceeded to the DeMorris home at 4232 Athlone Avenue. He observed two of the Lewis brothers enter the garage in the Ford. Dillon entered the garage

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Morrissey vs. Sullivan: Fight, Then Feud


Ottubru 12, 1853, 23 year-old John Morrissey would meet 40 year-old “Yankee” Sullivan for the American and possibly World Heavyweight Prizefighting Championship. Sullivan had been considered the champion since Tom Hyer, who had beaten Sullivan previously, retired instead of fighting Sullivan in a rematch. Sullivan claimed the title and was backed by Hyer, who had made peace with Sullivan.

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