Perampok Membantu Menangkap Pembunuh


H. H. Holmes was America’s first known serial killer in the modern definition of the word. Holmes operated “the Murder Castle”, a Chicago hotel during the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. Holmes would eventually be convicted of sixteen murders but may have murdered more than 100 people during his operation of the hotel. What is less well known is that St.

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The Myth of Multiple Attacker Defenses


Apakah Anda melihat salah satu-pertahanan diri terhadap beberapa penyerang? Dua orang memegang masing-masing lengan dan meregangkan diri dengan sempurna, sehingga bek bisa menendang kedua lutut mereka dan pergi. Kecuali mereka peregangan seseorang untuk menghindari diiris dengan pedang samurai, yang keluar di 1867, you won’t be attacked that way. Sayangnya, few

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The Gorilla (1939)


The Gorilla (1939) adalah sebuah film komedi-misteri “B” film (affiliate link) starring the Ritz Brothers, Joseph Calleia, Bela Lugosi dan Lionell Atwill. Film ini diproduksi oleh Twentieth-Century Fox sebelum mereka berhenti membuat “B” film, the first film on a double bill. The Ritz Brothers aktif antara 1925 dan tahun 1960, ketika Al Ritz kakak tertua meninggal. Itu

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Amateur Sleuth Catches Dynamitards


Sunday morning, Agustus 12, 1900, St. Louis Police arrested four former Transit Line streetcar workers for blowing up the Olive Street line on Maryland Avenue between N. Taylor and N. Euclid Avenues on the previous night at 11:00 p.m. Police arrested Maurice Brennan, Fred E. Northway, James Schwartz and James Finnesey. Police found 30 pounds of dynamite and 30 feet

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