Prelude to 1912 Wybory prezydenckie


Theodore Roosevelt dokonał brzemienną w skutkach decyzję w dniu wyborów 1904. He announced after being elected to the Presidency in his own right after ascending to the office upon the assassination of William McKinley that he would not run for another term in 1908. Roosevelt had served almost a full term before his election as McKinley was assassinated in September 1901.

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Ciemny Alibi (1946)


Ciemny Alibi (1946) to jeden z ostatnich filmów Charlie Chan wystąpili Sidney Toler. Ten film (związek partnerski) and the three subsequent movies made in 1946 zostały sfilmowane podczas Toler umiera na raka. Był tak słaby,, he could barely walk during these films. He somehow managed to make these last four films even though he was 72 lat

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