Prelude to 1912 Alegeri Prezidențiale


Theodore Roosevelt a luat o decizie fatidica în ziua alegerilor 1904. El a anunțat după ce a fost ales la președinția în dreptul său propriu, după ascendentă la biroul de la asasinarea lui William McKinley că nu va candida pentru un nou mandat în 1908. Roosevelt a servit aproape un mandat complet înainte de alegerea sa ca McKinley a fost asasinat în septembrie 1901.

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Dark Alibi (1946)


Dark Alibi (1946) is one of the last Charlie Chan films starring Sidney Toler. Acest film (affiliate link) and the three subsequent movies made in 1946 were filmed while Toler was dying from cancer. He was so weak, he could barely walk during these films. He somehow managed to make these last four films even though he was 72 ani

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Detectivul Tracy Transporturilor Trunk Murderer


During April 1885, St. Louis experienced one of its most sensational murders. Two English travelers had checked into the Southern Hotel in early April 1885. C. Arthur Preller and H. M. Brooks, who was going by the alias of Dr. Maxwell, appeared to be very friendly. Although they had separate rooms, they often stayed in the same room together. At

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