Niende Officer dræbt i 1920?

Otte St. Louis politifolk blev dræbt i rækken af ​​tolden i løbet 1920. Jeg var chokeret over at finde en avisartikel om en niende officer blive dræbt. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department er godt ved at optage alle deres linje af told dødsfald. Da jeg fandt hans Missouri dødsattest, det opklaret mysteriet.


Revised Cover of 1920: De dødeligste år for St. Louis Politi

I came across the article in the November 22, 1920 udgave af Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia). The article stated a society woman shot a St. Louis Police Officer who she took for a bandit.

Under 1920, St. Louis experienced a large number of burglaries and robberies. Robbers and burglars killed five of the seven St. Louis Police Officers who died in the line of duty prior to this incident.

Fru. Ruth Scott, a 25-year-old housewife, was riding with her husband 33-year-old Samuel S. Scott. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported police were drawn to the vehicle because of closed curtains.

“The police” attempted to pull the vehicle over but Mrs. Scott mistook them for bandits. She urged her husband to drive faster. When 47-year-old Charles J. Bacher, who was actually a Watchman with the St. Louis Parks Department, jumped on the running board in an attempt to stop the Scotts, Fru. Scott shot him from inside the vehicle.

One bullet struck Officer Bacher in the chest causing a fatal wound. Bacher bled to death on the pavement before medical treatment could be rendered.

Fortunately for Mrs. Scott, St. Louis Coroner ruled the death an accidental homicide. After reading the article, I was trying to verify the death so I could notify the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department about the line of duty death.


Early St. Louis Police Badge from the Public Domain

Den første udfordring er involveret den forkerte stavemåde af Officer Bacher navn. Avisen opført sit navn som Charles J. Backer. Efter søgning alle St. Louis beboere, der døde i 1920, Jeg fandt hans navn var faktisk Charles J. Bacher. Officer Bacher var gift på tidspunktet for sin død.

Ruth Scott døde i 1961. Hun boede ud i resten af ​​sit liv som et hus kone.

Otte St. Louis politifolk mistede livet i 1920 ikke ni. Men, mange uskyldige St. Louisans ligesom Charles Bacher mistede livet. Vi ønsker ikke at se nogen flere år som 1920 i St. Louis.

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