Ninth Officer Killed in 1920?

Eight St. Louis Police Officers were killed in the line of duty during 1920. I was shocked to find a newspaper article about a Ninth officer being killed. St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is good about recording all their line of duty deaths. When I found his Missouri Death Certificate, it cleared up the mystery.


Revised Cover of 1920: Deadliest gads St. Louis Policijas

I came across the article in the November 22, 1920 izdevums Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia). The article stated a society woman shot a St. Louis Police Officer who she took for a bandit.

Laikā 1920, St. Louis experienced a large number of burglaries and robberies. Robbers and burglars killed five of the seven St. Louis Police Officers who died in the line of duty prior to this incident.

Mrs. Ruth Scott, a 25-year-old housewife, was riding with her husband 33-year-old Samuel S. Scott. Richmond Times-Dispatch ziņotās policija tika vērsta uz transportlīdzekļa, jo slēgto aizkari.

“Policija” mēģināja pull transportlīdzekli vairāk, bet kundze. Scott mistook tos bandītiem. Viņa aicināja viņas vīrs braukt ātrāk. Kad 47 gadus vecais Charles J. Bacher, kurš bija patiesībā Watchman ar St. Louis Parks departaments, uzlēca uz klāja darbojas, mēģinot apturēt Scotts, Mrs. Scott nošāva viņu no transportlīdzekļa iekšpuses.

Viena lode pārsteidza virsnieks Bacher krūtīs rada letālu brūci. Bacher noasiņoja līdz nāvei uz ietves pirms ārstēšana varētu padarīt.

Par laimi kundzes. Scott, St. Louis Izmeklētājs valdīja nāves nejaušu slepkavību. Izlasot šo rakstu, Es centos, lai pārbaudītu nāvi, lai es varētu paziņot St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department par rindā maksājuma nāves.

veco stl-policijas emblēma

Early St. Louis Policija Badge no Public Domain

The first challenge involved the incorrect spelling of Officer Bacher’s name. The newspaper listed his name as Charles J. Backer. After searching all St. Louis residents who died in 1920, I found his name was actually Charles J. Bacher. Officer Bacher was married at the time of his death.

Ruth Scott passed away in 1961. She lived out the remainder of her life as a house wife.

Eight St. Louis Police Officers lost their lives in 1920 not nine. Tomēr, many innocent St. Louisans like Charles Bacher lost their lives. We don’t want to see any more years like 1920 Sanktpēterburgā. Louis.

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