Akademia Promovimet

The following ranks have been awarded to members of the academy in Zimmerman Self Defense System since the academy was founded on September 19, 2011. The Zimmerman Self Defense System is a combination of Taekwondo, Xhudo, police self-defense systems and several other martial arts. We teach a system of self-defense with concepts, principles and techniques from other systems added in.


Dhënien “Tresh” His Black Belt in 2013

My sons and I have ranks in traditional Taekwondo and Judo. These ranks represented here are ranks in the Zimmerman Self Defense System only.

4th Degree Black Rank

Ken Zimmerman Jr, Janar 30, 2022

3rd Degree Black Rank

Ken Zimmerman Jr, Shkurt 19, 2011 (Founder)

Kenneth Zimmerman III, Dhjetor 17, 2022 (Co-Founder)

2nd Degree Black Rank
Kenneth Zimmerman III, Prill 27, 2015 (Co-Founder)

1st Degree Black Rank
Ken “Tresh” Zimmerman III, Prill 27, 2013 (Co-Founder)
Caleb Zimmerman, Prill 27, 2015 (Co-Founder)

2nd Degree Brown Rank
Caleb Zimmerman, Shtator 11, 2014 (Co-Founder)

1st Degree Brown Rank
Caleb Zimmerman, Shkurt 10, 2014 (Co-Founder)

Purple Rank

Blue Rank
Ryan Marks, Maj 10, 2013
Nathaniel Williams, Maj 10, 2013
Brad Marks, Maj 20, 2013
Bryanna Newfield, Prill 14, 2014
Matt Wodicker, Prill 14, 2014

Blue Tip (Old System)
Matt Wodicker, Shkurt 2013
Bryanna Newfield, Tetor 28, 2013

Green Rank
Jacob Sheppard, Shtator 2012
Bryanna Newfield, Maj 20, 2013
Paul Adams, Dhjetor 7, 2015

Green Belt/White Stripe
Ben Marks, Mars 17, 2014
Trevor Schnable, Mars 17, 2014

Green Tip (Old System)
Zack Buell, Maj 20, 2013
Johnny Nunn, Maj 20, 2013
Brandon Ortmann, Maj 20, 2013

Orange Rank
Paul Adams, Korrik 20, 2015

Orange Belt/Black Stripe
James Woolston, Dhjetor 2012
Ben Marks, Maj 20, 2013
Orange Belt/White Stripe
Eleanore Newfield, Mars 17, 2014

Yellow Rank
Zack Driemeyer, Shtator 2012
Kristy Fischer, Qershor 2012
Bob Reeves, Shtator 2012
Kacey Yount, Dhjetor 2012
Vincent Newfield, Prill 14, 2014
Victoria Newfield, Prill 14, 2014
Sunni Whitaker, Prill 14, 2014
Paul Adams, Prill 20, 2015

Yellow/Black Stripe
Eleanore Newfield, Maj 20, 2013
Ayden Treece, Maj 20, 2013
Yellow/White Stripe
Regina Fischer, Qershor 2012

Yellow Tip (Old System)
Victoria Newfield, Janar 20, 2014
Sunni Whitaker, Janar 20, 2014
Vincent Newfield, Shkurt 10, 2014

White Belt/Black Stripe
Jace Webb, Maj 20, 2013
C. J. Hayes, Prill 14, 2014

White Belt/Black Tip
Jack Rendleman, Maj 20, 2013

Willow Spirit Award
Ryan Marks – Dhjetor 2012

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