Episode 33 – Episodju Bonus Imwiet Riċenti


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/tvxtnd/Episode_3395jmx.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | NiżżelIva, qed noħorġu episodju out of order. Bi tliet imwiet riċenti ta’ profil għoli fil-lotta pro, ridna noħorġu episodju bonus issa biex nitkellmu dwarhom. Aħna wkoll involontarjament insult ftit nies u jkollhom konverżazzjoni interessanti dwar “cougars.” Matul l-aħħar ġimgħatejn, tlifna “Eżotiku” Adrian

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Imut Sorakichi Matsuda fi New York


Sorakichi Matsuda vvjaġġa lejn l-Istati Uniti tard 1883 biex jibda l-karriera professjonali tiegħu fil-lotta. Matsuda kellu l-intenzjoni li jitgħallem il-lotta professjonali Amerikana u jirritorna lejn art twelidu biex jibda l-promozzjoni tiegħu stess tal-lotta. Il-maniġer ta’ Matsuda għamel stqarrijiet dwar it-taħriġ tiegħu fil-Ġappun, li ma setgħetx tkun verifikata. Matsuda tħarreġ fil-lotta tas-sumo mal-istalla famuża Isegahama iżda għamel

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Ad Wolgast Wins Lightweight Title


Nhar it-Tlieta, Frar 22, 1910, Ad Wolgast challenged World Lightweight Boxing Champion Battling Nelson for Nelson’s title at Richmond Arena in Point Richmond, California. The 28-year-old Nelson won the title by knocking out the great Joe Gans in 1908. Boxing experts did not expect Wolgast to defeat Nelson even though Wolgast held a newspaper decision over Nelson in 1909. Pundits

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Episode 29 – Kmieni Jim Londos


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/padnur/Episode_29btyp1.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss Jim Londosearly career in St. Louis, Missouri. We also review Jim Londos vs. Dick Shikat from 1930. Update I am taking a month off after finishing Wayfarer in a Foreign Land: Sorakichi Matsuda Wrestles in America. I will work on blog posts and my last St. Istorja Louis

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Browning Shoots ma' Miyake?


Nhar it-Tlieta, Ġunju 3, 1924, up-and-coming wrestler Jim Browning challenged Taro Miyake in a mixed styles match in Nashville, Tennessee. Browning, a wrestler from Verona, Missouri recently left the Missouri-Kansas area to wrestle in Tennessee and Kentucky. The 21-year-old Browning was developing a reputation for solid wrestling. Browning impressed promoters so much in the 1920s that the promoters put the

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Londra vs. Shikat in 1930


Matul l-aħħar għoxrin sena, preservazzjonisti sabu diversi films tal-lotta mill-1920s sal-1950ijiet li kienu preżunti mitlufa. Il-partitarji jistgħu jaraw il-biċċa l-kbira tal-films skoperti ġodda fuq YouTube. Wieħed mill-films li baqgħu ħajjin huwa ta’ tmintax-il minuta ta’ siegħa, partita g[oxrin minuta minn Philadelphia, Pennsylvania fi 1930. Jim Londos ġġieled Dick Shikat (link tal-vidjo) for a

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Episode 28 – Prime Time Wrestling


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/92vbd9/Episode_288mjnr.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, my cousin Dan and I review the April 28, 1986 edition of WWF’s Prime Time Wrestling. Update Starting with the first episode in August, I should be joined in the studio by my son Caleb and my cousin Dan. We will return to the normal format of an update, main content

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McLaughlin Mixes It Up with Ross


Nhar il-Ħamis, April 10, 1884, America’s first full-time professional wrestler, J.H. McLaughlin wrestled all-around Scottish athlete and wrestler Duncan C. Ross at Detroit’s Opera House. The men wrestled a three-out-of-five falls mixed styles match. McLaughlin specialized in collar-and-elbow wrestling. The men wrestled two falls under collar-and-elbow rules. Ross favored side hold rules. The men wrestled two falls by securing side

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Episode 27 – Matsuda Project


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/djsp9h/Episode_27bqc2z.mp3Podcast: Play fil tieqa ġdida | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss what I learned completing my book on the first Japanese pro wrestler Sorakichi Matsuda, who wrestled in America from 1884 li 1891. Update I gave an update on my upcoming schedule. Wayfarer in a Foreign Land should be available at the end of July or August 2023 depending

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Great Gama Wrestles Stanislaus Zbyszko


Nhar is-Sibt, Settembru 10, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko, fresh off his first tour of the United States, wrestled the Great Gama at Shepherd’s Bush Stadium in London, Ingilterra. 7,000 spectators crowded into the stadium to watch the match. A few weeks earlier, Mr. Benjamin brought a group of Pehlwani wrestlers from India to wrestle in England. Fans consider the Great Gama

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