Caleb Akiras Laborpostenon

#?Us, Mia plej juna filo Caleb akiris lian unuan laborpostenon ĉe loka rapida manĝaĵa restoracio. Mi estis fiera de li ĉar Caleb decidis lin deziris laborpostenon, Elplenigis nombron de aplikoj kaj akiris laborpostenon egale al la domo. Caleb trovis la laborpostenon esti bona kapabla pro la loko kaj laboranta medion.


Kenneth, Caleb kaj mi sur la tago ni antaŭenigis Caleb al Ruĝa Rango.

It is interesting watching him deal with the demands of a job: being on time, looking professional and dealing with the stress of job performance. He has passed all of these tests with flying colors.

As Caleb turns 17 Ĉi tiu semajno, I’m reminded that Tam and I are working ourselves out of a job. Before we know it, all three of the kids will be self-sufficient adults. Mom and Dad will be moving into a new phase of life. I can’t speak for Tam but I want to be a grandfather in the near future.

Caleb has shown the determination to this summer to achieve whatever goal he sets. I never encouraged him to get a job until he was done with college but he is determined to go his own way. Each one of our kids walks their own path.

Have a great birthday, Filo. You earned it. I know I’m not always the easiest father but I love you and want the best for you. Your mom and I are very proud of you.

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