Il-Bat (1926)


Roland V. West xtara d-drittijiet u diretti L-Bat (1926) (link affiljat), wieħed mill-ewwel “house dlam qodma” misteri għal Artist Uniti 1926. Arthur Edeson kien il-cinematographer kemm dan il-film u The Dark House Old (1932), li jaqsmu elementi espressjonista simili. Iż-żewġ films huma stabbiliti fl mansions kbar, which have seen better days. The key

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The Spanish Cape Mystery (1935)


The Spanish Cape Mystery (1935) is an adaptation of one of the Ellery Queen novels. Two cousins, Frederic Dannay and Manfred Lee, who wrote a number of detective novels under the pseudonym of the title character. F'dan il-film, Ellery Queen is taking a vacation to California with his friend Judge Macklin. Of course, they are not long into their

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Cat and the Canary (1927)


(I have included Chapter 4 from my unpublished book, German Expressionism and The Cat and the Canary.) Leni and Karl Freund are the bridge between German Expressionism and American Expressionism. Freund was an art and film director on such films as The Golem (1920) and Metropolis (1927). He brought the distinct look of Expressionism to Dracula (1931) and The Mummy

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M (1931)


Fuq Mejju 11, 1931, Fritz Lang’s classic film M (link affiljat) kien rilaxxat fl Berlin, Ġermanja. Minbarra li l-aktar fuq il-listi għall-quċċata 100 films ta 'kull żmien, Fritz Lang believed his finest film was M (1931). Il-film hija l-istorja ta 'sensiela ta' assassinji tfal li huma jseħħu f'Berlin. The police are determined to catch

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Bulldog Drummond’s Bride (1939)


Fuq Lulju 12, 1939, Paramount Pictures released the final film in their “B’ series adaptation of the Bulldog Drummond story. Bulldog Drummond’s Bride (1939) starred John Howard for the seventh final and time as Captain Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond. Heather Angel returns as Phyllis Clavering, Drummond’s long time fiance. Phyllis has given Bulldog Drummond one last chance to marry her or

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Dark Alibi (1946)


Dark Alibi (1946) is one of the last Charlie Chan films starring Sidney Toler. Dan film (link affiljat) and the three subsequent movies made in 1946 were filmed while Toler was dying from cancer. He was so weak, he could barely walk during these films. He somehow managed to make these last four films even though he was 72 snin

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Sherlock Holmes f'Washington (1943)


Sherlock Holmes f'Washington (1943) is the third (link affiljat) of twelve Universal Picture productions of the Sherlock Holmes franchise. Basile Rathbone u Nigel Bruce starred bħala Holmes u Watson rispettivament f'żewġ films għall-seklu għoxrin Fox u tnax aktar għal Universal Pictures. Dan il-film huwa jerġa 'jiffissa fl-1940s. Holmes u Watson ikunu vvjaġġaw għal Washington, D.C. li

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