The Myth of Multiple Attacker Defenses


Си ја видел било кој од само-одбрана против повеќе напаѓачи? Две лица го задржи секоја рака и се водат самите од совршено, па бранител да ја ослободат двете колена и да се извлече. Освен ако тие се протега некој да избегнат да бидат исечени со самурајски меч, кој излезе во 1867, you won’t be attacked that way. За жал, few

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Self-Defense Instruction


The problem with too much martial arts’ self-defense instruction is that they are low percentage defenses against unrealistic attacks taught by some instructors, who have limited knowledge of street attacks. Некои системи се создадени за улица или воена обука и се подобри од другите. Сепак, the insularity of too many martial arts keep some instructors from exploring defenses for different

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Green Rank – The Last Beginning Step


After you earn your Green Rank, you will have completed your first year of training. Congratulations. On average, 75 percent of students who started with you have already quit training. Lucky for you, they will be much better targets for criminals. A humorous anecdote is told about two campers worried about a bear attack. One of the campers tells his

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The Second Step, Orange Rank


Orange Rank is the next step on the path to obtaining a 1st Degree Black Rank in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System. You will continue to learn new techniques and start to figure out what you are naturally good at and what you need to work on more. Orange and Green Ranks sometimes trouble students because the novelty of training in

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Can TKD Learn from MMA?


Despite its worldwide popularity and it’s rank as the most popular martial art in the United States, (TKD) is beginning to lose some of it’s luster due to its perceived lack of success in Mixed Martial Arts. (МЛД) is the biggest thing to hit the martial arts world since Jigaro Kano decided to go to a colored and black belt system to denote rank within his school,

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На патот кон Жолта појас


Кога првпат го започна боречки вештини со Shotokan Карате класа на нашите локални колеџ, инструктор делеа една статија за сите да ја прочитате. На статијата опфатени студија со статистики. Студијата покажа дека од секои 10,000 боречки вештини на студентите само 100 ќе одат за да заработите црни каиши. Most beginning students quit after six months

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What Is The Best Self-Defense Technique?


One of the biggest arguments in martial arts is still whether grappling or striking techniques are best for self-defense. Изненадува, grappling arts advocate grappling techniques, while striking teachers hold up striking as the best method to defend yourself. The argument ignores the best self-defense technique in martial arts. Do not put yourself in situations, where the need for self-defense techniques

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Changes and School Goals


I was recently made aware of changes that the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) is making to the interpretation of forms. What else is new? Olympic Sparring rules or equipment changes almost yearly. With the popularity of the Hanmadang forms competition, it appears forms will start changing yearly now. With these changes, I have to decide whether I am going to

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Никој порази Отец Време


Андерсон Силва, широко признат како најголем мешани боречки уметник на сите времиња, изгубил реванш со Крис Wiedman за UFC средна Наслов на декември 28, 2013. Wiedman беше поразен Силва за титулата во јули 6, 2013. Тоа беше прва загуба Силва во последните седум години, со крајна Борба против првенство. Тој беше шампион во средна повеќе 6

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GSP and Being the Best in the World


Georges St-Pierre has been the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s (UFC) Welterweight шампион од 2007 и се бори за титулата, бидејќи 2005. Додека тој е само 32 години, мелење биде светски шампион му предизвика да се откаже од појас и се чекор подалеку од спортот засега. Some pundits have speculated that he is

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