E “Estrangulador” Lewis Wins Title in 1920

O luns, Decembro 13, 1920, E “Estrangulador” Lewis won the first of six World Heavyweight Wrestling Championships from Joe Stecher. The fact he won the title from his biggest rival and business enemy must have been particularly satisfying.

Un ano antes de este xogo, Stecher and Lewis met in a match lasting over three hours. Lewis made a mental error in rushing for Stecher, que estaba recuperando un de Lewis’ headlocks. Lewis intentou lanzar sobre el, pero foi pego de sorpresa e lanzado para unha caída.

Lewis trained for over a year with the intent of not being caught unaware by Stecher or losing due to fatigue. Na revancha, Lewis beat Stecher after 1 e hora 41 actas. Lewis ground Stecher into defeat with his powerful side headlock. Lewis used to use a carotid artery choke known in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as a bulldog choke but it was outlawed, para que desenvolveu o headlock.

While mat finishes were mostly prearranged at this time, Lewis and Stecher legitimately detested each other. No momento, cooperation was impossible between the men. Later in their careers, they would wrestle in prearranged bouts.


E ” Estrangulador” Lewis Usando Guillotine en Ivan Linow Antes que foi prohibida

After Lewis defeated Stecher, el formou o que ficou coñecido como a promoción Gold Dust Trio con Billy Sandow e Toots Mondt. They permanently transitioned professional wrestling to “Traballou” liñas da historia, con acabados pre-arranxadas.

Eran cómodos con este novo acordo, porque se alguén non ir xunto coas liñas da historia, Lewis ía vencelos para o real. Esta práctica ía morde-los 1925, cando eles poñen o cinto en un xogador de fútbol chamado “Gran” Wayne Munn.

Lewis was a celebrity in the 1920s before pro wrestling was exposed as worked and became more of a fringe entertainment. En maio 12, 1921, o Bismark Tribune ran a story about how Lewis and his wife, Dr. Hai Scott Lewis, raised their daughter Babada with scientific methods.

A historia relata como babada levantouse ás 6. A.M. e fun durmir ás 8:30 p.m. O seu pai ensinoulle exercicios. Tamén levou a con el, cando saíu correndo. Súa nai fixo que ela recibiu leite de cabra, tres veces ao día. One of the bizarre nutritional practices was feeding Babada bacon grease. The Lewis parents believed it was a great strength food.

Desafortunadamente, este matrimonio non durou como Lewis estaba casado e divorciado cinco veces. Touring as a wrestler put his marriages under great strain.

E “Estrangulador” Lewis naceu Robert Julius Herman Friedrich en Wisconsin en xuño 30, 1891. Gañou o Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship un entón marca de seis veces. He was considered by both Lou Thesz and Gene LeBell, both of whom he helped train, as the greatest “shooter” or legitimate wrestler.

He trained LeBell after being blinded by trachoma, which he picked up from dirty wrestling mats. Na época, el contraeu a enfermidade, non foi tratável. Morreu en Nova York en agosto 8, 1966 coa idade de 75.

Lewis deixou un legado duradeiro. Un dos últimos titulares lexítimos, who ushered in the era of “Traballou” fósforo, e adestrados a próxima xeración de campións.

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Autor e artista marcial

Autor e artista marcial

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