Epizoda 18 – Sand protiv Pendletona


Sljedeća epizoda bit će objavljena u ponedjeljak, Veljača 13, 2023, gdje ću raspravljati o meču između bivšeg američkog prvaka u hrvanju u teškoj kategoriji i budućeg svjetskog boksačkog prvaka u teškoj kategoriji.


Umjetnost podcasta za film Bilo je gotovo: Podcast povijesti Pro hrvanja

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In January 1923, the promotional war between Jack Curley and the Gold Dust Trio resulted in a shoot contest between John “Tigerman iz Nebraske” Pesek and NatPantherPendleton. Despite Pendleton being heavily favored, Pendleton had a few tricks up his sleeve.

We also talk about both men’s subsequent careers.


I share my thoughts on World Class Championship Wrestling from 1983 i 1984 plus the Bloodline storyline from Royal Rumble.

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