Episodio 29 – Il primo Jim Londos

In questo episodio, discutiamo di Jim Londos’ gli inizi della carriera a St. Louis, Missouri. Esaminiamo anche Jim Londos vs. Da Dick Shikat 1930.


I am taking a month off after finishing Wayfarer in a Foreign Land: Sorakichi Matsuda lotta in America. Lavorerò sui post del blog e sul mio ultimo St. Louis history book before starting my new project.

Up to Scratch: Bare Knuckle Fighting and the Heroes of the Prize Ring by Tony Gee (link di affiliazione).


Podcast Art for the It Was Almost Real: The Pro Wrestling History Podcast

Contenuto principale

Jim Londos, born Chistos Theoflou in Greece in 1894, started wrestling in the late 1910s as Christopher Theophelus, il “Wrestling Painter.Theoflou changed his name to Jim Londos in the early 1920s. As Jim Londos, Theoflou became the biggest box office attraction in the history of professional wrestling.

Before becoming a big draw in the 1930s, Londos emerged as the biggest star in Tom Pack’s St. Louis promotion of the 1920s. Londos was already in his early thirties when Londos became Pack’s top star.


Jim Londos vs. Da Dick Shikat 1930Fourteen minutes survive of a match that almost went two hours.

Big Time Wrestling from February 1976We reviewed the Sheik vs. Mark Lewin in a loser leave town match for the U.S. Title. Lewin was the U.S. Champion at the time. The match starts around the twenty-six minute mark.

I recently read Blood and Fire: The Unbelievable Real-Life Story of Wrestling’s Original Sheik by Brian R. Solomon (link di affiliazione). It rekindled my interest in the Sheik, who I had only seen in one match on a VHS tape from 1990. It was the Sheik vs. Lewin match from 1976.

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