Create Something Great After 4 Gadu


Kopējā mīts cīņas mākslas, ir, ka ir maģistra pētījumi 40 gadiem, attīsta gandrīz pārcilvēcisks izpratni par pašaizsardzību, rada perfektu sistēmu un izrādās paaudzes izdevīgākajām cīnītājiem. Pirms popularitāti jauktās cīņas mākslas, many of the magazines such as Black Belt were full of stories about which martial art was the best. If you polled

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Julius Johannpeter (1875-1961)


Julius “Tēvocis Jules” Johannpeter was born in St. Charles, MO on March 5, 1875 to recent German immigrants Frederick William Johannpeter and Johanna Johannpeter nee Grieve. “Tēvocis Jules” was seven years older than his sister Caroline Leah “Patvērums” Johannpeter, my great grandmother. When Lee’s husband William Ellis died in 1917, Lee had the challenge of raising her two-year-old son Gilbert as a single

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Study in Scarlet (1933)


Reginald Owen stars as Sherlock Holmes in one of the early American talking motion picture adaptations of Sherlock Holmes. Study in Scarlet (1933) (filiāli saite) sees Holmes trying to solve murders among a group of confederates. Arthur Wontner starred in several successful English adaptations of the series, which probably inspired Hollywood to follow suit. Diemžēl, Reginalds Ouens to nedarīja

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Profesors Yamashita nāk uz Ameriku 1902


Sam Hill, Seattle uzņēmējs, celta profesors Yoshiaki Yamashita uz Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm 1902. Profesors Yamashita paredzēti, lai palīdzētu izplatīt Dr. Jigoro Kano salīdzinoši jauna cīņas mākslas džudo. Pievienotajā profesors Yamashita bija viņa students Mitsuyo Maeda. Maeda varētu doties mācīt Carlos Gracie Brazīlijā. The Gracies modified the techniques into the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Over

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