Цені За Chinatown (1946)


Калі Twentieth Century-Fox вырашыла адмовіцца ад шэрагу Чарлі Чана пасля замка ў пустыні (1942), Сідні Toler набыў правы на серыю і ўзяў яго ў Monogram Pictures. Пасля таго, 11 фільмы з Twentieth Century-Fox, Toler б 11 Чарлі Чан фільмы з Monogram Pictures. Цені За Chinatown (1946) was the ninth film that Toler made for Monogram

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Лэнгфорд паражэнняў Вялікая Ганс


Сьнежня 8, 1903, Сэм Лэнгфорд змагаліся якая пануе лёгкі чэмпіён па боксе ў сваім родным горадзе Бостане, Масачусэтс. Да барацьбы Лэнгфорд, Большасць экспертаў бокса адчуваў Джо Ганс не можа быць збіты ў законную бой. Нарадзіўся ў Балтыморы, Мэрыленд, Ганс быў у стане зламаць колеру бар'ер, выйграўшы ў лёгкім чэмпіянату свету па боксе. Sam Langford is often considered

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Juve vs. Fantomas (1913)


Juve vs. Fantomas (1913) is Louis Feuillade’s second film adaptation (affiliate link) of the popular crime series by Marcell Allain and Pierre Souvestre. Rene Navarre plays the role of Fantomas and his many aliases. Edmund Breon portrays Inspector Juve. George Melchior plays the role of Jerome Fandor, a young journalist, who assists Juve in his investigations of Fantomas. Juve and

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Chief Desmond Creates Own Mystery


Вуліца. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond created a bit of a mystery in January 1903, when he attempted to sneak off and get married. It was to be the 45-year-old Desmond’s first marriage. Chief Desmond was to marry Hannah McLaughlin, the daughter of a local builder. The couple was to honeymoon in Southern California before returning to St. Луіс

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Chief Desmond Gets a New Assistant

стары СТЛ-паліцэйскі значок

У панядзелак, Сьнежня 15, 1902, Вуліца. Louis Police Assistant Chief of Detectives James H. Smith retired from the police department to take a position in the coal industry. Chief of Detectives William Desmond attempted to convince Smith to stay but he decided to retire from the force as his fortieth birthday approached. Smith compiled a commendable record as Desmond’s Assistant.

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Terror By Night (1946)


Universal Pictures released the thirteenth (affiliate link) of fourteen Sherlock Holmes films starring Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes on February 1, 1946. Twentieth Century-Fox produced the first two films. Universal produced the final 12 фільмы. Terror By Night (1946) finds Holmes hired to protect the Star of Rhodesia diamond on a train bound for Scotland. Rodney Carstairs hires Holmes to

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Old Smoke Defeats Benicia Boy


John Morrissey claimed the World Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship in a controversial bout with Yankee Sullivan in October 1853. After beating a murder charge for his participation in the murder of Bill “The Butcher” Для, Morrissey decided to defend his title against John C. Heenan, “the Benicia Boy”. “Old Smoke” Morrissey defeated Heenan in the October 1858 bout held in

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Вуліца. Louis Police Catch Indiana Escapee


Вуліца. Louis Police Chief of Detectives William Desmond made many tough criminals talk over his career. John Huey, an Indiana murderer, was not one of these cases. Huey freely spoke with Desmond about his criminal past. Huey escaped from Indiana after serving 13 years for a murder in 1874. John Huey came to Lyon, Indiana in 1874 as a 22-year-old.

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Вуліца. Louis Police Nab Robber of Policeman

стары СТЛ-паліцэйскі значок

У панядзелак, Сакавік 5, 1900, Вуліца. Louis Police Officers Thomas Meagher and Thomas Degnan apprehended men who robbed an East St. Louis Officer of his gun. Ed Sullivan, a 22 year-old transient, robbed an East St. Louis Police Officer of his gun, jewelry and possessions in late February 1900. Officer Thomas Meagher observed Sullivan and Harry Davis walking near Olive

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