St. Louis Officer Killed by Wanted Man


The picture of Cornelius O’Keefe in the book, En el cumplimiento del deber: St. Oficiales de la Policía Louis que hicieron el último sacrificio por Barbara Miksicek, David McElreath y el Mayor Stephen Pollihan, struck me the first time I saw it. Con su pelo partido por la mitad y un gran bigote, I could see him walking the streets of Downtown St. Louis

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Asalto y robo de Meramec confianza en 1919


El jueves, Junio 12, 1919, Earl Hunter and Charles Bergman, un preso en libertad condicional y ex convicto, celebrada el Trust Company Meramec poco después de su inauguración en 07:00 a.m. The robbery was not well planned and even more poorly executed. La esquina de la Avenida Virginia y Meramec Street fue uno de los bloques de la calle de coches más concurridos de la ciudad. The robbers had

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Eran Trece (1931)


Eran Trece (1931) is the Spanish language version of Charlie Chan Carries On. Charlie Chan Carries On has not survived or at least has not been found yet, so this film (affliliate link) gives us our only look at the lost film. While it was based on the same story, the film had a completely different cast. Charlie Chan does

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Manassa Mauler Knocks Out Giant in 1919


Mientras hacía la investigación, He encontrado esta foto de la formación Manassa Mauler por su 04 de julio, 1919 pelea por el título con Jess Willard, las World Heavyweight Champions boxeo. Willard had knocked out the great Jack Johnson in 1915 to become champion. Willard era un gigante de un hombre a las 6’06” y 235 libras. He posed a threat to anyone based on size alone. Sin embargo,

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