Leading Classes in America


While many of the martial arts originated in Korea or Japan, the societies in these countries and the United States are very different. Још, many American instructors continue to have students line up by rank and sex with men first, boys second, women third and girls last. While this line up would be normal and expected in Korea, it does

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Martial Arts from 2006 до 2010


This article is the second of two posts, which detail the conditioning and martial arts workouts I performed from 2006 до 2010. Користио сам овај програм да заради своју другу диплому црни појас у теквондоу и трећег степена браон појас у џудоу. Martial Arts Workouts Monday P.M.: Judo Class Wednesday P.M.: Advanced TKD Workout Thursday P.M.: TKD Kid’s and

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Twin Killers: Panic and Hesitation


If you are confronted with a self-defense situation, two things will lead you to be seriously injured or killed. The two things are panic and/or hesitation. In my professional career, I have confronted two armed suspects. I am going to dissect one of the incidents to illustrate how it could have turned out differently. I was working retail security in

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Conditioning from 2006 до 2010


This training program is what I used from 2006 до 2008, док сам био тренинг иу теквондо и Џудо. У глобалу, I performed conditioning workouts in the morning and martial arts workouts in the evening. Клима Распоред понедељак А.М.: Груди, Бицепс, Elliptical Trainer Tuesday A.M.: Thighs, Calves, Recumbent Bike Tuesday P.M.: Shoulders, Triceps, Forms Friday A.M.: Back, Abs, Elliptical

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Training Instructors From a Young Age


Једна од ствари која ме је увек импресионирани о грациес је како су они били у стању да изађу из генерације у генерацију врхунских инструктора. Након читања низ чланака о оригиналном систему појаса, итд, Почео сам да се прилагоде неке од њихових метода са нашим ученицима. Once the student reaches Green Belt, we allow them to start

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Свети. Louis Zoo Trip With My Daughter


In a previous article, I talked about field trips and how they enhance a homeschool education. Данас, I will recount a “излет” да сам узео са мојом ћерком Цаитлин, када је имала три године. Ја га титловани “Како да напусти кућу са $25.00 and Come Home with $0.75.” In the late 1990s, Свети. Louis Zoo had

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Каролина Лија “Ли” Елис


Моја прабаба, Каролина Лија “Ли” Елис рођене Јоханнпетер је рођен у Фредерицк Виллиам августа Јоханнпетер, 1839 – 1903, и Џоана Гриеве, 1843 – Непознат, у Ст. Чарлс, МО јуна 13, 1881. Она је била други најмлађи од браће и сестара шест, Густав, Ана, Амалиа “Мари”, Јулије “Јулес” и Чарлс Фредерик. Great Grandma was said to be a very strong-willed person.

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Сцарлет Пимпернел


While it may not be on classic film lists, I love The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934) (аффилиате линк). It is an adaptation of the novel (аффилиате линк) by the same name, written by Baroness Orczy. The film concerns an English gentleman, who risks his life to save French aristocrats from the guillotine. Sir Percy Blakeney married Marguerite, a French woman with

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