Rusty Wescoatt, Athletics and Acting


Born Norman Edward Wescoatt in Hawaii on August 2, 1911, “Rusty” Wescoatt played football for the University of Hawaii before making his professional wrestling debut in Hawaii during 1933. Wescoatt was also a swimming champion. Wescoatt initially made more news for his swimming than his wrestling when he traveled to the continental United States in 1935. On Easter Sunday, Април

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Шпански Кејп Мистерија (1935)


Шпански Кејп Мистерија (1935) is an adaptation of one of the Ellery Queen novels. Два рођака, Фредерик Даннаи и Манфреда Ли, који је написао велики број детективских романа под псеудонимом насловног лика. У овом филму, Еллери Куеен изводи одмор у Калифорнију са својим пријатељем судија Маклин. Наравно, they are not long into their

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Господин. Moto’s Gamble (1938)


Peter Lorre reprises his role as Mr. Kentaro Moto, Interpol Agent, in Mr. Moto’s Gamble (1938). James Tinling directed this film and Charlie Chan in Shanghai (1937). Tinling’s participation caused Lorre to portray Mr. Moto more like Inspector Chan with a little jujitsu thrown in. У овом филму, Господин. Moto teaches a criminal investigation class to several budding investigators including

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Господин. Moto Takes a Chance (1938)


Twentieth Century – Fox Film Company released the fourth Mr. Мото филма, Господин. Moto Takes a Chance (1938), јун 24, 1938. Lou Breslow and John Patrick set the film in Cambodia allowing Twentieth-Century Fox to use stock footage of the recently discovered ruins of Angkor Wat. The discovery of Angkor Wat captured the attention of the American public. Many

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The Fat Man (1950)


Since the beginning of commercial film making, production companies are always looking for new content. Film companies have always used popular books as a source of content and inspiration. Since the 1950s, popular television shows provided film adaptations and inspiration. In the early days of talking films, popular radio shows led to many film adaptations. Lum and Abner, Jack Benny,

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Дик Трејси (1937)


У рано 1937, Republic Pictures released the first chapter of its first Dick Tracy serial. Дик Трејси (аффилиате линк) consisted of 15 chapters for a total of almost 300 записник. Ralph Byrd played the popular comic book detective Dick Tracy. In this serial, the Spider, whose true identity is unknown, leads a gang of criminals dedicated to enriching themselves and

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