Ellery Queen, Meisterdetektiv (1940)


On November 30, 1940, Columbia Pictures veröffentlicht die erste von sieben Ellery Queen Filme mit Ralph Bellamy als Ellery Queen. Ellery ist der Sohn von Königin Inspector, der Chef der New Yorker Detectives. Ellery ist ein Romanautor, , der auch hilft seinem Vater mit Lösung von Verbrechen. In Ellery Queen, Meisterdetektiv (1940), a health guru has committed suicide but Ellery Queen

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Passport to Suez (1943)


August 19, 1943, Columbia Pictures released Passport to Suez (1943). Warren William plays Michael Lanyard, the Lone Wolf, for the final time in this film (affiliate link). The film opens in Alexandria, Egypt, where Lanyard has just arrived. Lanyard meets up with his old friend Johnny Booth, a successful cafe’ owner. Jedoch, Der wahre Zweck von Lanyard ist eine Mission für

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Behind the Mask (1946)

immer noch schwer zu handhaben

Monogram Pictures released Behind the Mask (1946), der zweite von drei Filmen (affiliate link) basierend auf dem beliebten Radioprogramm Shadow, on May 25, 1946. “B” Film leading actor Kane Richmond returns as Lamont Cranston, the alter ego of the mysterious Shadow. The film begins by following the activities a blackmailing newspaper reporter Jeff Mann, played by James Cardwell. After

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Herr. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)


Im Juli 7, 1939, Twentieth Century-Fox Films released the final Mr. Bewegung “B” film starring Peter Lorre as Inspector Kentaro Moto. Herr. Moto macht Urlaub und findet Mr. Moto die Königin von Saba Krone aus seiner Entdeckung in einer ägyptischen Ausgrabungsstätte zu einem San Francisco Museum begleitet,,en,Moto den Verdacht hegt, den Bogen kriminellen Metaxess,,en,die Behörden glaubten, war,,en. Herr. Moto suspects the arch criminal Metaxess, who authorities believed was dead, beabsichtigt

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Bulldog Drummond’s Secret Police (1939)


Bulldog Drummond’s Secret Police (1939) ist der vorletzte Bulldog Drummond-Film (affiliate link) mit John Howard als Drummond. Drummond is once again preparing for his marriage to Phyllis Clavering. As usual, the marriage plans are disrupted by the revelations of Professor Downey regarding Rockingham Towers, the Drummond Estates. In den Katakomben darunter ist der Schatz eines englischen Königs versteckt

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Charlie Chan in Shanghai Chest (1948)

noch chinesischer Ring

In Shanghai Chest (1948), Inspector Charlie Chan must solve three murders. At each murder scene, police find a dead man’s fingerprints. Charlie Chan must solve both the murders and the mystery of the fingerprints. Monogram Pictures released this enjoyable film on July 11, 1948. The film opens in Judge Armstrong’s house where a burglar is lurking around. Die Einbrechermorde

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Arrest Bulldog Drummond (1939)


John Howard took over the Bulldog Drummond role in 1937, when it became a “B” film franchise for Paramount Pictures. Paramount insured higher production quality than the average “B” Film. The series had more capable actors and actresses which resulted in its higher than normal quality. Arrest Bulldog Drummond (1939) (affiliate link) was released on January 11, 1939. Besides the

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Bulldog Drummond in Africa (1938)


August 5, 1938, Paramount Pictures veröffentlichte einen weiteren Film der Bulldog Drummond-Reihe (affiliate link) mit John Howard als Drummond. Bulldog Drummond in Africa (1938) is one of the best films in the series primarily due to a strong cast. Besides John Howard, Heather Angel kehrt als Drummonds Verlobte zurück’ Phyllis Clavering. She is joined by series regular H. B.

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