Happy Birthday, Caleb!


This week my youngest son Caleb turns 16. I can’t believe it has been 16 years since I saw and held him for the first time. Caleb was the baby and waited until he had a good meal at Red Lobster before making his appearance in the world. When he was ready though, he didn’t wait around. He was born 40 արձանագրություն

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Happy Birthday Grandpa


Today would have been my maternal grandfather Gilbert P. Ellis’ 100th birthday. Grandpa Ellis only lived to 85 but he imparted 100 years worth of wisdom into the 32 years I knew him. I could write books about him but am going to focus today’s post on how he inspired me by refusing to grow old. Grandpa Ellis maintained his physical

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Saving Վերջին Dance համար Tam


Ես հանդիպել եմ իմ կնոջը իմ քրոջ հարսանիքին ի սեպտեմբերին 1995. Ես հայտնի tam է որպես իմ փոքրիկ քրոջ լավագույն ընկեր 10 տարի բայց ես չեմ տեսնում նրան որպես կին էր դարձել, մինչեւ այս օրը սեպտեմբերի վերջին. I actually got to know her better because I was on wolf duty this day although it

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Dad տանում է մեզ դեպի ըմբշամարտի մրցաշարում


Իմ stepdad Ernest C. Diaz ամուսնացել է մորս հունիսի 8, 1981. Մաման ու պապան աշխատել է համոզվեք, որ մենք ունեինք մի նորմալ ընտանեկան կյանքը. Մեջ 1981 կամ 1982, նրանք որոշել են իմ քույրերին եւ ինձ պրոֆեսիոնալ ըմբշամարտի շոուի ժամանակ Checkerdome (հայտնի է նաեւ որպես Arena). Our favorite wrestlers were the Von Erichs. David Von Erich

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Camping with Dad


After my mother married my stepfather, Ernest Diaz, մեջ 1981, he was looking for a way for us to spend time together. I was camping with the Boy Scouts, so Dad decided that camping would be an effective way for us to get to know each other. A friend of Dad’s owned property and a cabin in Greenville, MO. Մենք

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Introducing Our New Black Belt

trey -getting -black -belt

On April 27, 2013, on what would have been his grandfather and namesake’s 71st birthday, Գիտենալ “Երեքնոց” Zimmerman III became the first black belt in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System under his father Ken Zimmerman Jr. “Երեքնոց” began studying martial arts shortly before his fifth birthday. “Երեքնոց” has trained in Taekwondo, Ձյուդո, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Gojo Shroei Weapons System. His goals

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