Collins Executed for Union Bank Robbery

STL Republica Jan 8-1904

This post is an unedited excerpt from my newest book to be released in Fall or early Winter 2017. William Rudolph’s trial delayed George Collins’ execution to later in the day on March 27, 1904. În mod normal, executions occurred at dawn. Prior to being escorted to the gallows, Sheriff Bruch allowed Collins to say goodbye to Rudolph. Collins walked into the

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Lt. Sidney Sears împușcat


Puține evenimente l-au șocat pe St. Lui Louis îi place moartea de serviciu a Lt. Sidney Sears în iunie 1924. Pentru aproape 30 ani, Lt. Sears a fost considerat cea mai bună lovitură de pistol de pe St. Louis Departamentul de Poliție. În 1904, Sears a fost și campion național la pistol al Statelor Unite. Pentru ca cineva să-l omoare pe Lt. Sears într-un schimb de focuri a fost considerat imposibil.

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Ira Cooper Unravels Money Order Theft


On February 22, 1924, unknown suspects took $20,000.00 in American Express Company money orders from the Mercantile Trust Company in Downtown St. Louis. Initially, the American Bankers Association hired private detectives. After the detectives were unable to discover any serious leads, the association turned the case over to the St. Louis Departamentul de Poliție. When the bank association turned over the

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Two Ruffians Beat Officer


Joi, Septembrie 9, 1875, George “Mitchell” Gassert and William Salisbury went to Fred Fisher’s Saloon at the corner of N. Jefferson and Morgan (Delmar today). After ordering drinks, the two young men of unsavory reputation refused to pay for their drinks. After trying to illicit payment, Fisher summoned St. Louis Police Officer John Cummings. Officer Cummings, assigned to the

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Strange Case of “Toddy” Dillon


In May 1925, the lifeless body of Dr. William Dillon was found on a walking path. The divorcee was a prominent St. Louis physician, who lived hard and was a known lady’s man. St. Louis Police initially suspected a rival of Dillon’s shot the physically and socially powerful Dillon rather than fight him. Totuși, suspicion eventually settled on Dillon’s 19-year-old

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