The Big House on Cook Avenue

A 122-year-old brick house dominates the street scene at the corner of Whittier Street and Cook Avenue in St. Louis, Missouri. Builders erected the 2378 square foot house in 1892. Its unique architecture includes a turret balcony on the second floor of the northeast wall. When first built, 4200 Cook must have been an impressive site.

Hoxe, 4200 Cook is not so impressive unless you are fascinated by how much a brick building can decay before it collapses. No one has lived at 4200 Cook consistently since 1989. It does not appear rehabbers can save the structure.


4200 Cook Avenue (Cortesía de Google Earth)

Desafortunadamente, unha parella quería para a rehabilitación do edificio a principios de 2000, pero enfrontouse tantos obstáculos que finalmente saír en frustración en torno a 2003. Vandals and neglect wrecked the preliminary work they completed before quitting in frustration.

Mirando para o tamaño e arquitectura, Imaxinei que debe ser un rico St. Louisan’s home at one time. Porén, builders may have sold it as a home with rooms to let. As early as 1901, a familia privada, que posuía 4200 Cook Avenue, alugados dous cuartos para inquilinos.


4200 Cociña Avenue de Whittier Rúa (Cortesía de Google Earth)

Desde que foi construído en 1892, Dubido que se fixo unha casa de cómodos tan axiña. It would be more likely that the builder designed it as a home and room rental property. I cannot say for sure, con todo.

En novembro 6, 1904, robbers surprised Michael Reiney, que cómodos en 4200 Cook Avenue. They robbed Reiney of $2 as he walked near Cook and Whittier. The robbers did not injure Reiney. No record exists of the police catching the robbers. Este episodio mostra que o crime non é un problema moderno, pero un que loitamos con mesmo no “bos vellos tempos”.


4200 Cook Avenue viewed from Cook Avenue (Cortesía de Google Earth)

En máis algúns anos, todo o que pode ter de 4200 Cociña Avenue é imaxes, así que mirar e imaxinar o que 4200 Cociña xa foi e podería ser de novo. Too much of St. Historia Louis está mentindo ao redor da cidade en pilas de ladrillos.

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