The Phantom of Crestwood (1932)

En outubro 14, 1932, RKO Pictures released The Phantom of Crestwood (1932) (enlace de afiliado), the film end to a radio play of the same year. The film concerns the murder of Jenny Wren or more properly “Who Killed Jenny Wren?” Wren, played by Karen Morley, blackmails several prominent men, who carried on affairs with her in the past.


Ricardo Cortez desde unha foto de divulgación no ámbito público,,en,Un dos homes do seu pasado contrata un criminal,,en,Gary Curtis,,fr,para roubar unhas cartas de volta de Wren,,en,Curtis,,en,interpretado por Ricardo Cortez,,en,chega ben á hora para ver Jenny Wren morto por un dardo,,en,Wren morre en Curtis,,en,brazos sen dicirlle que asasinou a súa,,en,Curtis e os seus homes intentan saír, pero unha tormenta feroz lava a fóra da estrada,,en,Curtis entende que debe resolver o asasinato antes da policía chegar ou el eo seu equipo será acusado do asasinato,,en,Mentres Curtis é o criminal,,en,pouca diferenza pode verse entre el e os homes da sociedade de posición,,en,Curtis parece moito máis nobre que os homes implicados con Jenny Wren,,en,Algunhas cousas sobre a película pode sorprender os espectadores,,en

One of the men from her past hires a criminal, Gary Curtis, to steal some letters back from Wren. Curtis, played by Ricardo Cortez, arrives just in time to see Jenny Wren killed by a dart. Wren dies in Curtis’ arms without telling him who murdered her.

Curtis and his men attempt to leave but a fierce thunderstorm washes out the road. Curtis realizes he must solve the murder before the police arrive or he and his crew will be charged with the murder.

While Curtis is the criminal, little difference can be seen between him and the society men of position. Centrais, Curtis appears much more noble than the men involved with Jenny Wren.

A few things about the film may surprise viewers. Feito antes da aplicación estrita do Movemento Foto Cod,,en,algunhas das escenas son bastante violento,,en,Pouco intento está feita para ocultar relacións adúlteras de Jenny Wren,,en,Vin iso anos cine na American Movie Classics,,en,AMC,,en,pero non vin iso por algún tempo,,en,Despois de mercar unha adhesión Amazon Prime,,en,Vin a película estaba dispoñible para alugar,,en,Foi tan divertido como eu me lembraba,,en,A pesar de ser un filme sonoro pronto,,en,pode escoitar e ver as escenas ben,,en,Só as escenas fóra pode ser un pouco granulado,,en,Paga a pena a visualización,,en, some of the scenes are quite violent. Little attempt is made to hide Jenny Wren’s adulterous relationships.

I saw this film years ago on American Movie Classics (AMC) but have not seen it for quite some time. After purchasing an Amazon Prime membership, I saw the movie was available to rent. It was as entertaining as I remembered.

Despite being an early sound film, you can hear and see the scenes well. Only the outside scenes can be a little grainy. The Phantom of Crestwood runs 76 actas. Well worth the viewing.

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