Epizodo 74 – Reginald Vinagro


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/t3idm7n7cbe5dsbr/Episode_748avea.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, we discuss one of the first nationally known African American wrestlers, Reginald Vinagro. Update My cousin Dan returns to the podcast. We discuss a shocking result in the NFL playoffs, Vince McMahon making a settlement with the SEC, and my thoughts on the AEW cards I have been watching on Max.

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Epizodo 73- An Epic Rivalry


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/8icv7evwqh77tjc5/Episode_739bw5v.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, I discuss the first of three matches in 1926 between World Champion Joe Stecher and John “La Nebraska Tigermano” Sablo. I also discuss the two big wrestling companies debuting on Netflix and Max. Main Content I discuss the first of three matches in 1926 between World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Joe Stecher

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Stecher vs. Sonnenburg en 1930


Sur januaro 30, 1930, Gus Sonnenberg defended his AWA World Title, based in the Boston promotion of Paul Bowser, in Boston Arena against former world champion Joe Stecher. Two minutes of film survived from the hour-long match. Gus Sonnenberg traded on his celebrity as a professional football player to become a wrestling star. Sonnenberg helped the Providence Steam Roller win

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Epizodo 72 – Miyake vs. Santel


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/yrvcvp86fj5ja5zg/Episode_72_agae9.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadUpdate I am giving away Wayfarer in a Foreign Land: Sorakichi Matsuda Wrestles in America between Monday, Decembro 30, 2024 to Friday, Januaro 3, 2025. Dan and I will release the next episode on Monday, Januaro 13, 2025. Main Content I discuss the October 1916 mixed styles match between Taro Miyake and Ad Santel.

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George Baptiste Venkas la Ĉampionon de Turner


Sur aprilo 24, 1889, the Missouri Gymnasium hosted its annual event to highlight the athletic accomplishments of its members. Members showed off gymnastic skills and other athletic ability while an orchestra or the Ideal Banjo Club played music in the background. The gymnasium managers booked a main attraction for the evening. Georgo Baptiste, St. Louis middleweight wrestler who specialized

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Stecher Luktas Rudy Dusek


En Memortago, Majo 30, 1925, Joe Stecher venkis Stanislaus Zbyszko en laborita matĉo por repreni la Mondan Pezegulluktado-Ĉampionecon kiun Stecher perdis en decembro. 1920. Stecher estis parto de komploto kiu pagis Stanislaus Zbyszko por duobligi Wayne "Big" Munn en aprilo. 1925. Zbyszko venkis Munn laŭleĝe en unu el la plej famaj duoble-krucoj de profesia luktado.. Kiel

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Epizodo 71 – Kial Tiel Longe?


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/rci48jixwdp7t79h/Episode_718mqij.mp3Podcast: Ludado en nova fenestro | DownloadIn ĉi tiu epizodo, I discuss why the Divided Championship Era lasted for three years from 1925 Al 1928. I also review the original Survivor Series 1987. Update Dan recently moved to a new facility but will return to the show soon. I review one of the AEW buy-in matches from Full Gear 2024. Ĉefa

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Lewis Defendas Kontraŭ Cantonwine


#?A?de, Julio 9, 1925, Ed "Strangler" Lewis faris unu el la fruaj defendoj de sia versio de la Monda Pezegulo-Luktado-Ĉampioneco en Tulsa., Oklahomo. Lewis luktis kun Howard Cantonwine antaŭ 5,000 adorantoj ĉe McNulty Park. Post kiam Stanislaus Zbyszko duobligis la varban grupon de Sandow kaj Lewis venkante Wayne "Big” Munn laŭleĝe, kaj Joe Stecher kaj Ed "Strangler" Lewis

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