Jenkins’ ir „Beell's Closed Door Match“


Tom Jenkins had the distinction of being the only wrestler to defeat Frank Gotch multiple times. Jenkins and Gotch traded the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship between 1902 ir 1906. At the time of this match, Jenkins was the champion again. Fred Beell had been campaigning for a match with Jenkins for the past several months. Beell finally convinced Jenkins to

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Mažasis demonas kovoja su Tomu Cannonu


On Joe Acton’s 33rd birthday, Kovas 8, 1885, he wrestled fellow countryman Tom Cannon in a 2-out-of-3-falls match at Sportsman Park in New Orleans, Louisiana. Acton and Cannon had a long history together. Both men were born in England in early 1952. Cannon was born a month later than Acton on April 19, 1852. Both men started wrestling in the

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Kadda ir W. Zbyszko imtynės piešti


Dešimtojo dešimtmečio pabaigoje ir XX amžiaus 20-ųjų pradžioje Earl Caddock turėjo palyginti trumpą, bet sudėtingą profesionalaus imtynių karjerą.. Profesionaliai debiutavo 1915 iškovojęs tris AAU nacionalinius titulus mėgėjų imtynių varžybose, Caddock profesionaliai imtyniavosi tik iki 1922. Tačiau, balandžio mėnesį įveikęs Joe Stecherį, jis būtų pripažintas pasaulio čempionu 1917. Caddockas netektų titulo atgal

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Kečelis kovoja su lengvuoju sunkiuoju čempionu

Stanley-Ketchel-1910 m

1909 pamatė, kad Stanley Ketchelis tęsia siaubingą tempą per visus geriausius kovotojus, esančius aplink vidutinio svorio ribą. In March 1909, Ketchel susidūrė su retu iššūkiu, kai jis kovojo su karaliaujančiu pasaulio lengvojo svorio čempionu Filadelfija Jacku O’Brienu. O'Brienas buvo švelnus boksininkas, kuris panaudojo savo greitį ir nesuvokiamumą, kad ankstyvosiose turo dalyse sumurmėtų Ketchel. Nepaisant O'Brieno dydžio pranašumo, Ketčelis buvo

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“Toots” Mondto susižalojimas 1922


Juozapas “Toots” Mondt wrestled professionally from the early 1910s through the 1930s but he made his real mark as a booker, booking agent and promoter. While Ed “Strangler” Lewis considered Mondt his equal in a legitimate wrestling match, Mondt has a genius for creating angles and finishes in worked wrestling exhibitions. Mondt would join Lewis and his manager Billy Sandow

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Taro Miyake imtynės Šv. Louis


From late 1921 į 1923, John Contos promoted professional wrestling in St. Louis, Misūris. Tačiau, Contos decided to leave promotion to focus on managing the career of budding star Dan Kolov. Prior to leaving St. Louis, Contos sold the promotion to Tom Packs, his nephew and assistant in the promotion. Packsfirst card was scheduled for Friday, Sausis 4, 1924.

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Stanislaus Zbyszko Box Office Bust?


When discussing Stanislaus Zbyszko’s title reign from 1921 į 1922, the main reason given for taking the title from him was that his title reign was a box office failure. Do the numbers validate this belief? Prior to wining the championship, Zbyszko wrestled former champion Joe Stecher at the 71st Regiment Armory in front of 7,000 fans. Į 1915, the

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Ernst Roeber Claims Vacant Title


When William Muldoon retired as the World Heavyweight Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion in 1889, there was no ready successor to the championship. Evanas “Strangler” Lewis was the best wrestler in the United States not named William Muldoon but his specialty was catch-as-catch-can wrestling. The best American Greco-Roman wrestler, Clarence Whistler, had died in Australia during 1885. Muldoon’s handpicked successor was German-born

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Joe Stecher Beats Ad Santel


Joe Stecher started out 1915, a fateful year for his career, with a victory over Adolph Ernst. Ernst wrestled under the name Otto Carpenter for this match but was known to professional wrestling fans as Ad Santel. Santel had a deserved reputation for being a vicious “prostitutė”, a wrestler skilled in submission holds. Stecher was a 22-year-old Nebraskan, who made

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Lewisas kovoja „Mondt“ Kansas City mieste


Pasaulio sunkiasvorių imtynių čempionas Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled hundreds of legitimate wrestling matches with Joseph “Toots” Mondt over the years. During conversations with his young protégé, Lou Thesz, Lewis said he only had to worry about losing to two wrestlers in his long career. Only Mondt and Stanislaus Zbyszko had a chance of defeating him in a legitimate contest. One

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