Alias the Champ (1949)


Broadcast companies were looking for content during the early days of television. Besides older movies and some broadcast company productions, sports were a source of programming for many television stations. The Dumont Television Network was one of the powerhouse networks in the beginning of the Golden Age of Television. One of their most popular programs was wrestling and the star

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Gotch Meets Match in Zbyszko


On a Thursday night, Marraskuu 25, 1909, World Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met Polish Wrestling Champion Stanislaus Zbyszko for a handicap match in Buffalo, New York. Gotch agreed to forfeit the bout if he could not throw Zbyszko twice in an hour. Zbyszko’s size and strength created problems for Gotch, who weighed 190 pounds to Zbyszko’s 260 kiloa. Kuitenkin, Zbyszko

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Masked Marvel Throws Berner


Wrestling promoter Samuel Rachman created the International Wrestling Tournament in Spring 1915 to highlight the abilities of Aleksander “Alex” Aberg. Aberg was the Russian Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion. Rachman believed Aberg could beat any wrestler. Rachman also wanted to lure Frank Gotch, the last undisputed World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, out of retirement to wrestle with Aberg. Gotch wrestled George Lurich in

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Stecher Beats Westergaard in Lincoln


In a blog post last month, I wrote about the difficulty promoters had in staging the Joe Stecher vs Jess Westergaard match. Originally scheduled for Omaha, Nebraska, the Omaha Chief of Police and Police Commissioner were concerned about the match being prearranged or a “work”. They didn’t want gamblers being taken in by the exhibition. To prevent this occurrence, they

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Frank Gotch Pays maksunsa


Frank Gotch, maalaispoika Humboldt, Iowa, kumoaisivat George Hackenschmidt World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship 1908. Tämä voitto ja hänen myöhempi tappio “Hakata” vuonna 1911 uusintaottelua sinetöi Gotch n paikkansa yhtenä suurimmista painijat kaiken aikaa. Gotch was a very talented wrestler but he was not the undefeated wunderkind of legend. Gotch

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Jake Kilrain -laatikot tasapeliin


Vaikka kuuluisa taistelusta John L.. Sullivan viimeisissä maailmanmestaruuskilpailuissa riitautettiin paljaiden rystyssääntöjen mukaisesti, Jake Kilrain osallistui myös moniin hansikkaisiin otteluihin. Prizefighting oli siirtymässä paljain rystysäännöistä hansikkaisiin otteluihin Marquess of Queensberry -sääntöjen nojalla. (varhainen amatööri ja ammattilainen nyrkkeily) 1800-luvun lopulla. Kuten Sullivan, Kilrain taisteli majorissa

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Zbyszko Defeats Westergard


Tammikuu 10, 1912, Stanislaus Zbyszko continued his campaign for another title shot with World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. To press his claim, he secured a match with Gotch training partner and protegé, Jake Westergard. Westergard claimed a questionable win over his mentor Gotch, who probably dropped the match to Westergard in a prearranged match. Zbyszko was a skilled

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Police Chief Prevents Wrestling Match


Omaha Chief of Police H.W. Dunn created headlines on March 28, 1915, when he issued an order banning the advertised professional wrestling match between Joe Stecher and Jess Westergaard. The April 6, 1915 match was scheduled for the Omaha Auditorium. The chief actually issued the order at the behest of Superintendent of Police A.C. Kugel. Kugel issued a statement to

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