Zbyszko and Lewis Start Riot


Travanj 7, 1914, 22-year-old Wladek Zbyszko met 22-year-old Ed “Davitelj” Lewis would meet in the first of many matches between the two men. They would cooperate in a number of worked or “prearranged” šibice. Lewis in fact dropped his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship to Wladek Zbyszko in 1917. In the early 1920s, Lewis would drop his World Heavyweight Wrestling

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Charley Olson pobjeđuje Rusa


Frank J. Quinn, lokalni St. Louis odvjetnik, služio je kao menadžer za profesionalne hrvače George Baptise, Charley Olson i Fred Beell. Izvorno obožavatelj Georgea Baptistea, koji je bio legenda u St. Louis oko avenija Cook i Vandeventer. Baptiste će zaposliti Quinna kao svog upravitelja i kasnije odvjetnika za svoju tvrtku za šatore i nadstrešnice. During his

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British Intelligence (1940)


Siječnja 29, 1940, First National Pictures, the Warner Brothers “B” film company, released the spy thriller British Intelligence (1940). The film is set in Britain during World War I. Released almost two years before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the film showed that Hollywood and probably most of the countries sympathies were with Britain and the Allies. Dok britanski

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Masked Marvel To The Rescue


Samuel Rachmann promoted the International Wrestling Tournament in New York during 1915. Rachmann invited wrestlers from around the world to the tournament but his real intention was to establish European Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion Alex Aberg as the successor to the retired Frank Gotch as World Champion. Rachmannov plan za osnivanje Aberga išao je po planu nakon što je turnir započeo

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Burns poriče povezanost sa Stecherom


In early 1916, Bregunica “Seljak” Burns, koji je trenirao i vodio Franka Gotcha do Svjetskog prvenstva u teškoj kategoriji, počeo poricati da je razvio aktualnog američkog prvaka u teškoj kategoriji Joea Stechera. Tvrdnja se činila čudnom jer je Burns sa Stecherom radio nekoliko godina. Burns je pomogao pripremiti Stechera za njegov šampionski okršaj s Charliejem Cutlerom 1915. Na neki način, što Burns

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House of Frankenstein (1944)


U prosincu 1, 1944, Universal Pictures released the latest horror film in the Frankenstein series, House of Frankenstein, with an all-star cast. Boris Karloff, who originally played Frankenstein’s monster, returns to the series as the mad scientist Dr. Niemann. An earthquake releases him and his hunchbacked assistant Daniel from prison. Doktor. Niemann intends to exact revenge on the men who

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Tom Allen Snima zaštitnika


Tom Allen rođen je u Birminghamu, England on April 23, 1840 ali postao je poznat kao borac golih zglobova u teškoj kategoriji u Americi. Nastanivši se u St. Louis around 1867, godine Allen je osvojio naslov američkog prvaka u teškoj kategoriji 1873 i držao je titulu sve do 1876. Vratio se u Englesku na godinu dana prije nego što se vratio u St. Louis zauvijek u 1878. Natrag

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Pesek Palm Strikes Rickard iz Hrvanja


Do kraja 1910-ih, profesionalni hrvački promotori rezervirali su hrvače za dogovorene ili unaprijed dogovorene hrvačke mečeve. Occasionally, obično kao rezultat dvostrukog križa, obožavatelji bi vidjeli stvarno natjecanje ili “shoot” utakmica između hrvača. Jedna od tih utakmica dogodila se kasno 1921 a nastao je iz svađe između Texa Rickarda, prije svega promotor boksa, i Jack

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