Whistler Wrestles Dufur en Nova York


O xoves, Marzo 31, 1881, 200 os fanáticos filtráronse no Turnverein Hall de Nova York para ver a Clarence Whistler loitar contra Henry Moses Dufur nun combate de tres de cinco caídas de loita libre con ambos loitadores con chaquetas.. Os promotores utilizaron as regras e as chaquetas para igualar as posibilidades de gañar cada loitador. Clarence Whistler especializouse na loita grecorromana. Whistler foi campión mundial de loita libre de peso pesado

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“Agricultores” Burns Trains Jeffries


Cando o gran Jack Johnson derrotou a Tommy Burns polo Campionato Mundial de Boxeo Peso Pesado, o establecemento de boxeo comezou a buscar unha "esperanza branca" para derrotar a Johnson. Na desesperación de atopar a alguén para derrotar a Johnson, promotores e escritores deportivos comezaron a facer presión sobre o ex campión mundial de peso pesado James J. Jeffries para poñer fin á súa retirada para loitar contra Johnson. Jeffries retirouse invicto 1905. After

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Episodio 70 – Película Perdida


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/gwes2cubjemajn78/Episode_708px2e.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the recently discovered film of the 1908 match between George Hackenschmidt and Joe Rogers. Update I give a health update on Dan and talk about the upcoming podcast schedule. Main Content A film company recently restored a 1908 wrestling film between George Hackenschmidt and Joe Rogers, Parte 1 e

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Wrestlers Crush Boxers


O venres, Marzo 11, 1932, os loitadores George Tragos e Rudy Dusek enfrontáronse a boxeadores, Stanley McRae e Tom Pivac en combates de loitador contra boxeador. Os afeccionados tardaron máis en chegar aos seus asentos que os combatentes en completar os combates. Os homes loitaron o par de combates en Memphis, Tennessee no Auditorio. Os fans coñecen a George Tragos, unha

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Episodio 69 – Feliz Halloween


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/ezswfi6nskgzp6hb/Episode_69arvtq.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, we discuss Martin “Agricultores” Burns training James J. Jeffries for his bout with Jack Johnson on July 4, 1910. Update Dan and I talk about my new project and how an earlier writer unfairly portrayed Joe Stecher’s world title run from 1925 para 1928. Shooter in a Worked World is available

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Dill asasino (1947)


En agosto 2, 1947, Max M. King Productions released Killer Dill (1947), a crime film that professional wrestler Mike Mazurki plays “Little Joe”, a henchman playing both sides of a gang feud. Stuart Erwin stars as Johnny “Killer” Dill, a lingerie designer and salesperson, who people mistake for a gangster. After accidentally involving himself in a gang war, seu

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Londos Wrestles no Teatro Odeon


Jim Londos developed into professional wrestling’s biggest box office star during the 1930s. Londos wrestled main events against Ed “Strangler” Lewis and Jim Browning at baseball stadiums. These matches drew crowds of more than 30,000 fans for the first time since the second Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt in 1911. When Londos wrestled in Greece, Londos drew crowds estimated to be at

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Episodio 68 – Inicia unha promoción


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/w8xx4379qy8ai3ti/Episode_68be7jw.mp3Podcast: Xogar en nova ventá | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the beginnings of the regular St. Louis wrestling promotion in 1921. I also discuss the Mr. McMahon documentary on Netflix. Update Due to illness and medical appointments, we are a little late on releasing the episode this week. Tirador nun mundo traballado: John Pesek and the 1920s Promotional

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Mike Romano morre no ring


Professional wrestlers dying in the ring is rare but occasionally happens. En 1936, 5,000 wrestling fans in Washington, D.C.. inadvertently booed a dead man at the end of the Mike Romano vs. “Irish” Jack Donovan match at Griffith Stadium on Thursday, Xuño 25, 1936. The 40-year-old Romano was putting Donovan over in a worked match. Newspapers inaccurately reported Romano as

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