House of Frankenstein (1944)


Decembrī 1, 1944, Universal Pictures released the latest horror film in the Frankenstein series, House of Frankenstein, with an all-star cast. Boris Karloff, who originally played Frankenstein’s monster, returns to the series as the mad scientist Dr. Niemann. An earthquake releases him and his hunchbacked assistant Daniel from prison. Dr. Niemann intends to exact revenge on the men who

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Toms Allens pārspēj Maiku Makkūlu par titulu

Toms-Alens-balvu cīnītājs

Kamēr plikas knuckle prizefighter Tom Allen dzimis Anglijā laikā 1840, viņš pavadīja lielāko daļu savas pieaugušo dzīves Sentluisā pēc pārcelšanās uz ASV 1867. Pēc neapmierinoša zaudējuma Džemam Meisam 1870, kur viņš pārsteidza skatītājus ar galantu priekšnesumu, zaudējot pūles, Alens sāka kampaņu par šāvienu uz amerikāni

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Metropolis (1927)


Janvārī 10, 1927, Universum Film (UFA) released Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927). The German film company produced a science fiction class, which still holds up today. On the Internet Movie Database website (IMDB), users rate it 8.3 out of 10 stars. It is #104 on the Top 250. In a theme society has wrestled with since the beginning of the

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Pesek Palm Strikes Rickard from Wrestling


By the end of the 1910s, professional wrestling promoters booked wrestlers in worked or pre-arranged wrestling matches. Occasionally, usually as a result of a double cross, fans would see an actual contest or “shoot” match between the wrestlers. One of these matches occurred in late 1921 and arose from a feud between Tex Rickard, primarily a boxing promoter, and Jack

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Belief No Longer Suspended


Decembrī 14, 1915, the International Wrestling Tournament was coming to a close. A featured match revealed promoter Samuel Rachmann was manipulating outcomes to keep interest in his tournament. After the wrestling public lost complete interest in the tournament during its opening few months in the spring, Rachmann introduced one of the most successful gimmicks in professional wrestling history. Rahmanis

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After the Thin Man (1936)

Viljams Pauels

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) released After The Thin Man (1936), the sequel to the popular Thin Man (1934), on Christmas Day 1936. The film is one of 14 films William Powell and Myrna Loy made together. Powell and Loy play Dashiell Hammet’s characters Nick and Nora Charles respectively. Nick Charles formerly worked as a private detective before marrying the wealthy heiress Nora.

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Lurich Throws Losson


Georg Lurich made his reputation as a professional wrestler competing in European Greco-Roman wrestling tournaments. When Lurich travelled to the United States to ply his trade, he made the transition to catch-as-catch-can wrestling, the dominant style outside of Europe. Lurich adapted well to this style and earned a shot at the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, Frank Gotch, Goča pēdējā

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