Jem Mace Battles Joe Coburn

я ем булаву

Лістапада 30, 1871, a large crowd of men boarded ten rail cars on the New Orleans, Mobile and Texas railroad as it stopped on Canal Street in New Orleans, Louisiana. The train continued on to Montgomery Station near Bay St. Луіс, Mississippi, where the crowd left the rain and made their way into the woods. Such an odd procession

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Jack Shea Finally Does Time


Жнівень 11, 1896, a train arrived in St. Луіс, Missouri around 7:30 A.M. Three figures exited the train. Two healthy looking police officers were escorting John D. “Jack” Shea, who killed St. Louis Police Officer Patrick Doran on November 7, 1881. The gaunt and sickly Shea was no longer the young thug, who executed Doran during a chase after

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Джоні Рэйган памёр у св. Луіс


Джоні Рэйган быў важным байцом у St. Сцэна бокса Луіса ў першае дзесяцігоддзе 20-га стагоддзя. Родам з Брукліна, Рэйган пераехаў у St. Луі будзе трэніравацца пад кіраўніцтвам Джэка Маккены. Маккена заснаваў сваю аперацыю ў Санкт-Пецярбургу. Луіс, дзе яго баец у асноўным ваяваў пры св. Луіс’ Клуб Вест-Энд. У той час Рэйган быў у нарастаючай лёгкай вазе

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Hack Accuses Americans of Faking

Джордж Хакеншміт Прайм

Калі “The Russian Lion” George Hackenschmidt toured America in 1905, he left the country unimpressed by the state of American wrestling. The current World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, known as “Hack” to much of the wrestling public, toured several cities in an attempt to arrange a match with American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins. Hackenschmidt won the world title in Greco-Roman

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Wabash Safe Burglary


On a chilly night, Студзеня 9, 1915, Сяржант. Michael Gibbons stepped off the westbound Delmar owl streetcar about 3:00 A.M. Сяржант. Gibbons walked towards the Wabash Railroad’s Delmar Station, which was in complete darkness. Gibbons kneeled and wrapped his nightstick on the platform to signal any nearby beat officers to report to him. Patrolman Arthur J. Saxy heard the night

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Chief Desmond Driven From Office


“For the good of the department”. With those 6 words, Санкт-. Louis Board of Police Commissioners removed St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond from the position he held for 17 гадоў. They replaced him with Desmond’s ex-assistant James Smith, who was dismissed by the previous board. How did one of the greatest, if not the greatest, detectives in

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Muldoon Survives Hard Tilt With Whistler


Магутны Уільям Малдун лічылі непераможнай, як грэка-рымскага свету чэмпіён па вольнай барацьбе. Толькі адзін чалавек кінуў сур'ёзны выклік Малдуну падчас яго дамінуючага праўлення. 165-кілаграмовы Кларэнс Уістлер пастаянна даваў Малдуну самыя цяжкія выпрабаванні. Малдун і Whistler сустрэўся ў чацвер, Лістапада 1, 1883 ў Сан-Францыска, Каліфорнія ў адным з некалькіх матчаў. Уільям Малдун быў амаль на галаву вышэйшы і цяжэйшы

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Чарлі Чан ў музеі васковых фігур (1940)


Чарлі Чан ў музеі васковых фігур (1940) у галоўнай ролі Сідні TOLER як Чарлі Чан гэта мой любімы Чарлі Чан фільм. Чарлі Чан шукае забойцу ў музей васковых фігур. Музей васковых фігур з'яўляецца прыкрыццём для пластычнага хірурга, хто змяняе вонкавы выгляд адшукваюцца злачынцаў за цану. Хірург д-р. Крэм, гуляе C. Генры Гордан, also

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Fred Beell Unimpressive in 1903

Фрэд-beell-вашынгтонскай раз

Fred Beell developed a reputation in the early 20th Century as a powerful and dangerous wrestler. His reputation was not built by his 1903 campaign. Beell suffered as many high-profile defeats as victories. Beell started well in April 1903, when he defeated St. Paul AAU Wrestling Champion James McAuley. McAuley won the first fall in 22 хвілін. Beell выйграў

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“Little Demon” Unable to Beat Whistler

Джо Актан

Джо Актан быў адным з лепшых змагароў Англіі 19-га стагоддзя. 151-pound Acton went through England’s middleweight ranks before plowing through the heavyweights. After beating the best England had to offer including Tom Cannon, Acton decided to test his abilities in the United States. Joe Acton settled in Philadelphia at Arthur Chamber’s Champions Rest during the summer months of

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