Batasunaren aurkezpena, MO Bankuaren Lapurreta


Gabon gauean 1902, bi herri txiki, denbora txikian, Atxiloketa-gizonek Batasuneko segurua leherrarazi zuten, Missouri Bankua. Herritar batzuk mehatxatu ostean, baino gehiagorekin alde egin zuten $15,000. Gizonak nahiko seguru egon ziren hilabete batzuetan Pinkerton Detektibe Agentziara deitu zuten arte. Pinkerton-ek nazio mailako agentzia bat zuten, zein izan zen Batua hurbilena

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House of Fear (1945)


Martxoan 16, 1945, Universal Pictures released The House of Fear (1945), the eighth of twelve Sherlock Holmes films produced by the studio. Basil Rathbone returned as Holmes for the tenth time. Rathbone played Sherlock Holmes twice for Twentieth Century – Fox before Universal started producing the series. Despite its late entry into the series, Filmaren (kidea lotura) stands

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Shock, Bolumen 1


Choque berriki irakurri dut: Brasilgo Jiu-Jitsuaren Istorio Kontatugabea, Bolumen 1 Roberto Pedreiraren eskutik (Amazon afiliatu esteka), Gracie Familiako kideekin egindako elkarrizketetan kontatu diguten BJJren hastapenen beste istorio bat kontatzen duena.. “Shock” itzultzen du “hunkigarria” Brasilgo portugesez. Pedreirak lehen mailako iturriak zehatz-mehatz ikertzen eta aipatzen dituen bitartean, gehienbat Brasilgo egunkariak,

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Fred Beell betebeharrean hil zuten


Fred Beell-ek profesionalki borrokatu zuen 1900 arte 1919. Martinen aurka izandako garaipen batzuengatik ospe mitikoa garatu ondoren “Baserritarrak” Erredurak, Dan McLeod eta Frank Gotch, Beell hurbildu ahala erretiratu zen 43 urte. Borroka osteko bere ibilbideak ustekabeko heriotza ekarriko zion at 57. Fred Beell-ek borrokalari profesional konpetente bat izateko aukera luzeak gainditu zituen

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Gotch Beats Lurich in His Last Match


Frank Gotch was famous for defeating George Hackenschmidt, munduko txapelduna Wrestler eta weightlifter in 1908 and the 1911 rematch. Gotch ospatu izenburua bost urtez eta comers guztiak garaitu. Urtetik nahiko gazte at 35, Gotch erretiroa erabaki. Bere azken partidurako, he would take on another famous European wrestler and weightlifter, George Lurich. George Lurich

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The Bat Whispers (1930)


Azaroaren on 13, 1930, Roland V. West released The Bat Whispers (1930), the talkie version of his silent classic, Bat egin (1926). The film follows faithfully the script of the original. Hala ere, West is able to experiment with film techniques like tracking shots, still a novelty in early sound cinema. Editing still dominated as the continuity and story moving technique.

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George Baptiste Meets World Champion


Ostiralean, Maiatzaren 12, 1905, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion George Hackenschmidt toured the United States after defeating reigning American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins. One of Hackenschmidt’s stops was the “Gateway to the West”, St. Louis, Missouri. Hackenschmidt agreed to throw three wrestlers in under 90 minutu. He accomplished this feat in less than 19 minutes after the third wrestler

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