Alexander Baptiste Passes at 100


En setembro de 15, 1919, St. Louis citizens woke up to read about the death of one of their oldest citizens, Alexander Baptiste. Just a few months before his 101st or 102nd birthday depending on which source you believed, Alexander Baptiste passed away from intestinal disease. Durante anos, Alexander was known as one of the fittest St. Louisans. An early advocate

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“Terrible” Terry Shows His Power


“Terrible” Terry McGovern proved to be a rare fighter at the turn of the Twentieth Century. While smaller boxers packed no power in their punches, McGovern, who scaled between 110 e 126 libras, possessed tremendous knockout power. “Terrible” Terry often finished his opponents in the first four rounds. En xullo de 1, 1899, Brooklyn based McGovern met Chicago’s Johnny Richie at

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Evan Lewis Strangles Tom Canón


En agosto 26, 1886, Evan “Estrangulador” Lewis coñeceu o Wrestling campión británico Tom canón en Cincinnati, Ohio. Durante a era da loita lexítima, outros loitadores temía o poderoso Lewis polo seu dominio. Lewis empregou unha estrangulamento arterial carótida coñecido como mata-león no Judo. Polo menos iso era o que eu pensaba orixinalmente e a maioría dos historiadores citaron. Moderno

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Julius W. Johannpeter, Air Pioneer


O curmán primeiro do meu avó, Julius W. “Joe” Johannpeter, foi un de St. Louis’ pioneiros do avión. Julius, que era coñecido na familia como “Punks”, uniuse á Garda Nacional Aérea a mediados da década de 1920. Sería comisionado como tenente. Julius voou avións tanto para o corpo aéreo militar como para o civil. A maioría dos homes da súa unidade, que incluía a Charles

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William Rudolph and Union Bank Robbery


Durante a última semana de decembro 1902, William Rudolph, un mineiro recentemente retornou ao Condado de Franklin, e George Collins roubo do Banco Unión, en Unión, MO. Roubaron-lo durante a noite, cando ninguén estaba presente por explotar o cofre. Rudolph returned to his parents’ cabin in Stanton, MO. He and his accomplice hid out until the Franklin County Sheriff

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Russian Civil War Snags Aberg and Lurich

título de aleksander-aberg

Estonia gave birth to three of the greatest wrestlers of the first two decades of the 20th Century: Georg Lurich, George Hackenschmidt and Aleksander “Alex” Aberg. As part of the Russian Empire at the time, Estonia contained a number of elementary and high schools with superior physical education programs. Lurich and Hackenschmidt both started out as weightlifters and transitioned into

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