Ringer Throws Wasem


Larunbatean, Azaroa 25, 1899, St. Louis wrestling fans experienced a shock, when a visiting wrestler easily threw local champion Oscar Wasem in a little over 20 minutu. After the easy victory, fans smelled a rat, when the “Indianapolis Cyclone” spoke with a Lancashire accent. Oscar Wasem surpassed George Baptiste as St. Louis’ wrestling champion in the mid-1890s. Wasem jabetu zen

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Amak Desmond buruzagiari aitortu dio


Bere gainetik 17 urteko ibilbidea, St. Louis Detektibeen burua William Desmond gaizkileen familiako kide askorekin aritu zen. Familiako kide batzuk Desmond buruzagi kriminalak eta bere gizonak giltzapetu zituzten bezain txarrak edo okerragoak ziren. Hala ere, familiako kide asko zintzoak ziren, jende langilea, beren maitearekin zer gertatu zen gaizki ulertzeko borrokan. Bere ibilbidearen hasieran

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Bat egin (1926)


Roland V. West eskubideak erosi eta Bat zuzendu (1926), lehenengo bat “etxe ilun zaharra” United Artist for misterioak 1926. Arthur Edeson bi film hau eta The Old Dark House Zinematografoari zen (1932), Antzeko espresionista elementu partekatu bertan. Bi filmetan dira jauregi handi batean ezarri, which have seen better days. The key to the

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Muldoon Too Strong for French Wrestler


June On 4, 1883, the Greco-Roman World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion William Muldoon faced skilled French wrestler Jules Rigal in San Francisco, California. When the wrestlers stripped to their trunks for the match, it was obvious Muldoon’s power would prove a formidable challenge to Rigal. Muldoon stood around 6 feet tall and weighed between 193 eta 210 pounds during his career.

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Chief Desmond Gets a Confession


St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond was known for his ability to gain confessions from criminals. Unlike other detectives, who would sometimes use physical intimidation, Desmond eschewed the “third degree”. Chief Desmond believed information obtained by beating suspects was completely unreliable. Desmond would start a discussion with the suspect. After putting him or her at ease, Desmond would let

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