Lt. Sidnijs Sērss nošauts


Daži notikumi šokēja Sv. Luisam patīk leitnanta nāves dienesta pienākums. Sidnijs Sērss jūnijā 1924. Gandrīz jau 30 gadiem, Lt. Sears tika uzskatīts par labāko pistoles šāvienu Sv. Louis policijas pārvalde. Uz 1904, Sears bija arī Amerikas Savienoto Valstu nacionālais pistoles čempions. Lai kāds nogalinātu ltn. Sears apšaudē tika uzskatīts par neiespējamu.

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Muldoon Fails to Throw Sorakichi 5 Times


Dominant champions like William Muldoon often had to accept handicap conditions to get fans interested in watching them wrestle. Since fans only considered Clarence Whistler skilled enough to really threaten his reign, Muldoon would often generate interest by either performing feats of strength or taking on the challenge of handicap conditions. Gada maijā 5, 1885, Muldoon met Matsuda Sorokichi, kurš

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Stecher Beats Cutler for American Title


When Frank Gotch retired as World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion after beating Georg Lurich in his last match, promoters scrambled to find a successor. Samuel Rachmann tried to put forth his own champion by hosting the 1915 International Wrestling Tournament in New York City. Rachmann wanted his challenger Aberg to win the tournament and be recognized by the public as the

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1909 – Bad gadu par Parker Zimmerman


1909 iespējams, bija vissliktākais gads Parker Lonzo Bator Zimmerman dzīvi. Viņš zaudēja gan viņa desmit mēnešu veca meita Ida maijs Zimmerman un viņa otrās sievas Mellie Bollinger Zimmerman. Pirms Parker nāves Cape Giraurdeau viesuļvētra 1949, he would bury two more of his children. Both of them were adults. Es varu tikai iedomāties, cik grūti 1909

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