Die Fledermaus (1926)


Roland V. West bought the rights and directed The Bat (1926), eine der ersten “alte dunkle Haus” Geheimnisse für Künstler in Groß 1926. Arthur Edeson was the cinematographer for both this film and The Old Dark House (1932), die ähnlich wie expressionistische Elemente teilen. Beide Filme werden in großen Villen gesetzt, die bessere Tage gesehen haben. The key to the

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Muldoon Too Strong for French Wrestler


Juni 4, 1883, the Greco-Roman World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion William Muldoon faced skilled French wrestler Jules Rigal in San Francisco, Kalifornien. When the wrestlers stripped to their trunks for the match, it was obvious Muldoon’s power would prove a formidable challenge to Rigal. Muldoon stood around 6 feet tall and weighed between 193 und 210 pounds during his career.

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Chief Desmond Gets a Confession


St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond was known for his ability to gain confessions from criminals. Unlike other detectives, who would sometimes use physical intimidation, Desmond eschewed the “third degree”. Chief Desmond believed information obtained by beating suspects was completely unreliable. Desmond would start a discussion with the suspect. After putting him or her at ease, Desmond would let

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F.W. Johannpeter und 1883 Bar Vorfall

Urgroßvater Ellis

Frederick William Johannpeter (1839 – 1915) war mein zweiter Urgroßvater mütterlicherseits. Er starb 4 Monate vor der Geburt seines Enkels, Gilbert P. Ellis, who was my grandfather. Seit er gestorben ist, bevor mein Großvater geboren wurde, Ich hatte nur sehr begrenzte Informationen über ihn, als ich anfing, die Familiengeschichte zu erforschen. Opa hatte keine verbale Vorgeschichte

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Herr. Moto’s Gamble (1938)


Peter Lorre reprises his role as Mr. Kentaro Moto, Interpol Agent, in Mr. Moto’s Gamble (1938). James Tinling directed this film and Charlie Chan in Shanghai (1937). Tinling’s participation caused Lorre to portray Mr. Moto more like Inspector Chan with a little jujitsu thrown in. In diesem Film, Herr. Moto unterrichtet mehrere angehende Ermittler, darunter auch einen Kriminalermittlungskurs

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Lord Barrington Is Beaten Up


Thief. Liar. Bigamist. Con Man. Murderer. All accurate labels for one of the greatest charlatans to operate in St. Louis. “Lord F. Seymour Barrington” was a bit of a local celebrity, if an extremely disreputable one, during 1903. After conducting a bigamist marriage on the East Coast, “Lord Barrington” stole his wife’s trousseau and headed to St. Louis. When Barrington

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