Politiet identifiserer Walsh’s Killer


Da ukjente menn skjøt offiser Michael Walsh på grunn av forkjølelse, tåket natt i desember 1880, St. Louis-politiet trodde at den mistenkte kan være salong- og dagligvareinnbruddstyver som jobber i området. However, St. Louis-detektiver hadde ikke klart å finne innbruddsteamet. En pratsom fange ryddet opp i mysteriet i april 1881. Politiet arresterte Charlie Wilson sammen med vennen Tom Higgins

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Sergeant York (1941)


On September 27, 1941, Warner Brothers Film Corporation released Sergeant York (1941). The film (affiliate link) tells the story of Sergeant Alvin C. York, a reluctant World War I hero from the small town of Pall Mall, Tennessee. Western film veteran Gary Cooper stars as Sergeant York. The film begins with the contrast of a Sunday church service and the

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Muldoon Fails to Throw Sorakichi 5 Times


Dominant champions like William Muldoon often had to accept handicap conditions to get fans interested in watching them wrestle. Siden fansen bare anså Clarence Whistler som dyktig nok til å virkelig true hans regjeringstid, Muldoon would often generate interest by either performing feats of strength or taking on the challenge of handicap conditions. Mai 5, 1885, Muldoon met Matsuda Sorokichi, som

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