1802 N. Jefferson Gone


1802 N. Jefferson Avenue was a two-family flat built in 1890 and located in the St. Barrio Louis Local. I originally wrote about the building in 2013 but it was demolished sometime before March 2015. The building is part of an area being developed for a government complex in St. Louis, so it was not able to be saved. Estas imaxes son

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Charlie Chan en París (1935)


Charlie Chan en París (1935) é outra entrada na serie estrelada por Warner Oland como Charlie Chan. Charlie volve da súa investigación Londres, cando el deixa en París, para un período de vacacións. En realidade, the vacation is a cover for his investigation of forged bonds from the Lamartine Bank. Charlie installed an undercover agent named Nardi but the gang kills Nardi

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