The Kennel Murder Case (1933)


William Powell’s fifth turn as S.S. Van Dine’s detective Philo Vance may have been his best. The Kennel Murder Case (1933) finds Philo Vance trying to solve the murder of Archer Coe. Coe kellhom ħafna għedewwa, iżda l-akbar misteru għall Vance huwa kif Coe kien maqtul fil-kamra msakkra,,en,George Wiggins attenda prova tiegħu għall-qtil ta 'San,,en,Louis Uffiċjal tal-Pulizija Louis Schnarr f'Ġunju,,en,Nonchalantly chewing gum,,en,Wiggins sena deher totalment tagħtix każ l-gravità tal-prova,,en,Wiggins twieġeb ħatja għall-qtil bit-tama,,en,Lewis defeated Joe Stetcher għall Kampjonat tiegħu World Wrestling Heavyweight,,en,lotta professjonali kien wirja fi stadji mill,,en,bħal din kienet l-sentimenti qawwija bejn l-irġiel li l-logħba setgħu kienu ta ',,en,jew logħba leġittimu,,en,Heenan-ewwel,,en,fejn maltempata żamm Ispettur Hornleigh u tiegħu,,en. Vance attenda wirja tal-klieb ma’ Coe u tiegħu

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Eugene August Johannpeter (1908 – 1969)


Eugene “Gene” August Johannpeter was born on May 20, 1908, to Julius and Bertha Johannpeter. He was the second son of Uncle Jules and Aunt Bertha. His older brother was Julius “Punks” William Johannpeter, Jr., who flew the mail out of Lambert Field along with Charles Lindbergh. “Punks” was seven years older than Gene. Grandfather tiegħi, Gilbert P. Ellis, għexet

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Chief Desmond Solves Cooper Killing


Nhar il-Ħamis, Jannar 23, 1902, St. Louis awakened to the news millionaire A. Deane Cooper was found murdered in the Vista Bathhouse at Franklin Avenue and North Grand Boulevard. Cooper, wieħed minn St. Louis’ irġiel l-aktar sinjuri, proprjetà immobbli residenzjali u assi oħra stmati fi 2 miljun dollaru. Cooper aspired to be the biggest property owner in St. Louis. He

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Marvin Hart Jirbaħ Titolu Vakanti

Marvin qalb

Fuq Lulju 3, 1905, Marvin Hart daħlu fil-ġlieda għat-titlu dinja vakanti bħala 3 li 1 underdog. Jack Root li tkun l-ewwel kampjonat heavyweight dawl kien il-favorit li tirnexxi l-James J reċentement rtirati. Jeffries. Jeffries kieku referì din il-logħba titolu sabiex jissostitwieh. Marvin Hart kienet riċentament imsawwat Jack Johnson. Widely considered the

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The Bashful Bachelor (1942)

għadu-ħlom-b'leħen għoli

Dwar Marzu 19, 1942, RKO Radio Pictures released the second film starring the Old Time Radio comedy team Lum and Abner. The Bashful Bachelor (1942) starred Chester Lauck as Lum Edwards and Norris Goff as Abner Peabody, the owners of the Jot’Em Down Store in Arkansas. F'dan il-film (link affiljat), longtime bachelor Lum Edwards wants to become a hero

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Ned O’Baldwin Shot


In early March 1873, bare knuckle prizefighter Ned “The Irish Giant” O’Baldwin was preparing for a potential match with Jem Mace, who claimed the World Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship. Madankollu, before O’Baldwin could face Mace, he served as a second for a friend and fellow prizefighter named Hicken. Il-ġlied professjonali fis-Seklu 19 gawda minn reputazzjoni fqira barra minn

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Double Cross (1941)

għadhom iebsa biex jimmaniġġaw

Dwar Ġunju 27, 1941, Producer’s Releasing Corporation (PRC) released Double Cross (1941). The film is a starring vehicle for Kane Richmond, who displays his usual rugged toughness backed up by intelligence. F'dan il-film, Richmond plays Police Officer Jim Murray, the son of a Police Captain. At the beginning of the film, Jim Murray’s friend Steve Bronson, another police officer,

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John Berg Wins Light Heavy Championship


John Berg was a good enough wrestler to beat Martin “Farmer” Burns twice but was mostly thought of as a good lighter wrestler. Berg held the World Light Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in the late 1910s and competed for the Middleweight Title, which was contested at 158 liri. Berg missed weight by four pounds but won the match. Berg ġġieled fih

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