George Baptiste Dies


På December 1, 1938 vid 5:15 pm, former professional wrestler and all-around athlete George Baptiste passed away at 74 år. While enjoying robust strength his whole life, Baptiste’s doctor discovered he had stomach cancer in June 1938. The doctor operated on Baptiste but was unable to remove all the cancer. Baptiste had been living at his country home

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Mord kl 2912 Washington


Byggnader är bara högar av brädor och tegel utan de berättelser som är fästa vid dem. During November 1912, St. Louis-polisen Arthur Huddleston dödades av den villkorliga mördaren Albert Whitefield. Whitefield hade överraskat sin sambo, who was entertaining another gentleman caller. Whitefield attempted to kill her before two St. Louis Police Officers responded to her cries for

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Ad Santel Brings The Pain


Ad Santel gained his reputation as a dangerous catch wrestler from his frequent bouts with judoka from Japan during the 1910s and a story from the second George Hackenschmidt training camp for the Frank Gotch rematch. According to legend, Frank Gotch paid Santel, a skilled submission wrestler, $5,000.00 to injure Hackenschmidt’s knee in training. Medan den här historien kan eller kan

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