William Muldoon Promotes Health System


In a testament to his foresight and vision, the World Wrestling Champion William Muldoon was preparing to be a fitness trainer even while at the height of his powers as a wrestler. Muldoon held the championship from 1880 until he retired in 1890. During his reign, he often gave exhibitions to attract attention to his way of training. The Saturday,

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Julius Johannpeter (1875-1961)


Julius “Uncle Jules” Johannpeter was born in St. Károly, MO on March 5, 1875 to recent German immigrants Frederick William Johannpeter and Johanna Johannpeter nee Grieve. “Uncle Jules” was seven years older than his sister Caroline Leah “Lee” Johannpeter, my great grandmother. When Lee’s husband William Ellis died in 1917, Lee-nek az volt a kihívása, hogy egyedülállóként nevelje fel kétéves fiát, Gilbertet

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William Muldoon Prepares to Be Champion


-Ben 1880, William Muldoon would become World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion in the Greco-Roman style after defeating Thiebaud Bauer, the reigning champion. Before he would accomplish this feat, Muldoon had to pay his dues and prepare for the title tilt with Bauer. -Ben 1876, Muldoon caught the attention of former bare knuckle prizefighting world champion John Morrissey. Morrissey was a former

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Are Forms Important for Martial Arts?

zimmerman-akadémia logója

A legendás Bruce Lee sok évvel ezelőtt írt egy cikket a Black Belt magazinnak, amelyben megkérdőjelezte a kata hatékonyságát és hatékonyságát., formában vagy minta képzés. A cikk megjelenése óta, Sok más harcművészek elkezdték megtámadni vagy megkérdőjelezni a szükséges űrlapok a képzés. Mivel én vagyok elkötelezett a tanítás önvédelemre, azt hinnéd én

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Detective Desmond Gets His Men


Before he became St. Louis Chief of Detectives in 1890, William Desmond plied his trade as a Detective with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. During February 1890, Detective Desmond’s persistent efforts to locate two confidence men paid off with the arrest of both men. “Kinch” Keegan and “Thatch” Grady were brother-in-laws and accomplices in several confidence games. On January

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Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)

továbbra is-köszönöm-mr-moto

Július 7, 1939, Twentieth Century-Fox Films released the final Mr. Moto “B” film starring Peter Lorre as Inspector Kentaro Moto. Mr. A Moto vakációzik, találja Mr. Moto accompanying the Queen of Sheba’s Crown from its discovery in an Egyptian archaeological site to a San Francisco museum. Mr. Moto suspects the arch criminal Metaxess, who authorities believed was dead, szándékában áll

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