William Muldoon Promotes Health System

윌리엄 멀둔

In a testament to his foresight and vision, the World Wrestling Champion William Muldoon was preparing to be a fitness trainer even while at the height of his powers as a wrestler. Muldoon held the championship from 1880 until he retired in 1890. During his reign, he often gave exhibitions to attract attention to his way of training. The Saturday,

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Julius Johannpeter (1875-1961)

요한 피터 가족

Julius “삼촌 쥘” Johannpeter was born in St. 찰스, MO on March 5, 1875 to recent German immigrants Frederick William Johannpeter and Johanna Johannpeter nee Grieve. “삼촌 쥘” was seven years older than his sister Caroline Leah “바람이 불어가는 쪽” Johannpeter, my great grandmother. When Lee’s husband William Ellis died in 1917, 이 씨는 두 살 난 아들 길버트를 싱글로 키우는 데 어려움을 겪었다.

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윌리엄 Muldoon는 챔피언이 될 준비

윌리엄 멀둔

에 1880, 윌리엄 Muldoon는 티에 보 바우어를 물리 치고 그리스 - 로마 스타일의 세계 헤비급 레슬링 챔피언이 될 것입니다, 일등 챔피언. 그는이 공적을 달성 할 것입니다 전에, Muldoon 자신의 회비를 지불하고 바우어 제목 기울기를 준비했다. 에 1876, Muldoon caught the attention of former bare knuckle prizefighting world champion John Morrissey. Morrissey was a former

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Are Forms Important for Martial Arts?

짐머만 아카데미 로고

전설적인 Bruce Lee는 수년 전 Black Belt 잡지에 카타의 효율성과 효능에 도전하는 기사를 썼습니다., 양식이나 패턴 훈련. 이 기사가 나온 이후부터, 다른 많은 군 예술가는 양식 교육의 필요성에 도전하거나 질문을하기 시작했다. 나는 자기 방어를 교육에 전념하고 있기 때문에, 당신은 내가 생각 할 것

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Detective Desmond Gets His Men

치프 데스몬드 착취

Before he became St. Louis Chief of Detectives in 1890, William Desmond plied his trade as a Detective with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. During February 1890, Detective Desmond’s persistent efforts to locate two confidence men paid off with the arrest of both men. “Kinch” Keegan and “Thatch” Grady were brother-in-laws and accomplices in several confidence games. 월 1 일에

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씨. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)


7 월 7, 1939, Twentieth Century-Fox Films released the final Mr. 운동 “B” film starring Peter Lorre as Inspector Kentaro Moto. 씨. 휴가를 떠나는 모토가 미스터를 찾습니다.. Moto accompanying the Queen of Sheba’s Crown from its discovery in an Egyptian archaeological site to a San Francisco museum. 씨. Moto suspects the arch criminal Metaxess, who authorities believed was dead, 의도하다

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