Happy 21st Birthday, Baby Girl


My daughter Caity is 21 years old this week. It is a bittersweet birthday because my baby girl isn’t my baby girl anymore. I am so proud of the young woman she has become but as she grew up I regretted not being able to pick her up, wipe her tears and make the “small hurts” go away. Цаити је дошла

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Еван “Давитељ” Lewis Available

еван-странглер-луис-књига-меки корице

I recently finished Evan “The Strangler” Lewis: The Most Feared Wrestler of the 19th Century. Evan Lewis was a skilled submission expert during the legitimate professional wrestling era although he did take part in a couple prearranged matches. У јануару 1886, Evan Lewis used his dreaded stranglehold on Sorakichi Matsada. According to several newspapers, Lewis attempted to “задавити Соракичи да

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Луиз Брукс на Канарским Мурдер Цасе (1929)

канаринац-случај убиства

Случај Канарска Убиство (1929) је првобитно пуцао као немог филма. <Спан ббок_к = "289" ббок_и = "553" ббок_в = "56" ббок_х = "20" фсизе = "14" фвеигхт = "3" црвено = "255" зелено = "255" плави = "255" алфа = ", извршни Парамаунт студио је мислио да би било боље као слика говори. Студио одложено отпуштање док су могли додати звук у филму. Додавање звука није био без својих изазова. Нажалост, one of the main stars of the film, Louise Brooks, had

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Призефигхтерс срести у Ливерпул Пуб


For the October 5, 1861 edition of the Cincinnati Daily Press, editors pulled a story off the wire service from the Spirit of the Times. The wire story reported on a fight between former English prizefighting champion Tom Sayers and current English champion Jem Mace. Both Sayers and Mace were touring with English circuses, when they stopped in at a

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Шеф Дезмонд Набс пар панталона


Вилијам Дезмонд ухапсен много лопови током његовог 17 година каријере као Ст. Луј Шеф детектива. Он је развио националну репутацију “Тхиеф Такер”. У понедељак, Октобар 15, 1900, Шеф Дезмонд ухапсен панталоне од лопова, али не и сам лопова. Јонас Вашингтон је ушао у двориште Схицкле, Harrison and Howard Iron Foundry at 12th and Gratiot Streets

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Sam McVey’s Big Right Hand


Sam McVey tired of the lack of opportunity for black fighters in the United States during the early Twentieth Century. McVey decided to leave for Europe in 1907, where he fought until 1911. McVey fought in Australia for three more years before returning to the United States. This brief highlight film from France in 1911 with “Battling” Jim Johnson shows

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Officer and Deputy Confront Violent Man


На августа 31, 1901, Night Watchman William Doherty discovered Willis Garner burglarizing the office of Schickle, Harrison and Howard Iron Company at 912 С. Twelfth Street in St. Лоуис, Мисури. The iron company employed Garner, who threw a hammer at Doherty’s head. The hammer missed its target but the confusion allowed Garner to jump out the window and make his

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Убиство Преко Њујорк (1940)


Убиство Преко Њујорк (1940) је један од каснијих издања Чарли Чен серије за двадесетог Центури Фок Продуцтионс. У овом филму, Инспектор Чен помаже свог старог пријатеља из Скотланд Јарда, Инспектор Драке, наћи групу диверзаната. У шпијуни намеравају да саботирају неки тест летелице у Њујорку. Inspector Drake is tracing Paul Narvo, who leads

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Toughest Saloon on Deep Morgan

патролни Џејмс Брејди

Октобра 6, 1890, local barbers Luther Duncan and Bob Henderson stepped out on to N. 11th Street to settle a quarrel. This area of St. Louis was known as “Deep Morgan”. “Deep Morgan” was home to bordello, flop houses and the toughest African-Americans saloon in the city, Starkes’ Saloon. Both Duncan and Henderson were black barbers, who worked in

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Detective Chief Nabs Desperate Robbers


На дан 3, 1896, three men entered the Home Brewery Office in St. Louis at around 2:30 сати увече. Cashier Robert Hofferkamp approached the men. The men produced revolvers and told Hofferkamp and his assistant to throw up their hands. The men took $10,000 from the office in what would be a multi-million dollar heist today. The robbers tied up and

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