Tom Hyer Beats Yankee Sullivan


Tom Hyer won the American Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship in 1841. Like most prizefighting champions of the Nineteenth Century, he did not fight very often. Hyer normally paid his bills as an enforcer for political parties in New York. Eredetileg, Hyer employed his talents for the Whigs but would switch allegiances to the “Know Nothing Party” with his friend William

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Want to Be Great – Elsajátítsák az alapokat

zimmerman-akadémia logója

A siker titka a harcművészetek, vagy az élet bármely területén mastering alapjait. Bár ez a kijelentés hangzik intuitív, nagyon kevés ember ténylegesen csinálni. Many practitioners find the basics “boring” and want to move onto more advanced moves. A probléma ezzel a megközelítést hangsúlyozva a 1 percent move over a 99 százalék lépés. Taking Taekwondo

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Thank You, Mr. Moto (1937)

továbbra is-köszönöm-mr-moto

Karácsony estéjén, 1937, the second Mr. Moto film, Thank You, Mr. Moto (1937) staring Peter Lorre, debuted. International Agent Mr. Moto strives to protect Chinese cultural treasures from international criminals. The Seven Scrolls will reveal the hiding place for the Tomb of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan’s warriors reportedly buried great treasure with their dead leader. Mr. Moto’s friend Prince

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Morrissey vs. Sullivan: Fight, Then Feud


Október 12, 1853, 23 year-old John Morrissey would meet 40 year-old “Yankee” Sullivan for the American and possibly World Heavyweight Prizefighting Championship. Sullivan had been considered the champion since Tom Hyer, who had beaten Sullivan previously, retired instead of fighting Sullivan in a rematch. Sullivan claimed the title and was backed by Hyer, who had made peace with Sullivan.

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Charlie Chan a veszélyes Pénz (1946)


Veszélyes Pénz (1946) a második az utolsó Charlie Chan film főszereplője Sidney Toler a Monogram Pictures. Miután Sidney Toler halála, Roland Winters veszi át a szerepet, kilenc több filmet. Ez a film lehetővé teszi számunkra, hogy értékeljük Toler ábrázolása Inspector Chan közel utoljára. This film was the tenth for Monogram and his twenty-first portrayal

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