Greatest Judo Fight Ever Filmed


Judo nadšenci môžu byť vedomí toho, že jeden z najväčších Judo bojov niekedy film, došlo vo filme od 1945, Krv na slnku (partnerský odkaz). James Cagney, ktorý bol hnedý pás v džude, hviezdy vo filme ako Nick Condon, americké noviny editor pre Tokio Chronicle pred bombardovania Pearl Harbor. A few Japanese government officials

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Theodore Roosevelt Wins 6 States in 1912

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After Theodore Roosevelt won reelection in his own right during November 1904, TR impetuously announced he would not run for another term. His inner circle, particularly his wife Edith, would think the decision a mistake. Však, once Theodore Roosevelt made a pronouncement, he intended to keep his word. Roosevelt si vybral svojho ministra vojny a bývalého guvernéra Filipín

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Ako som zistil, Jujitsu

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Keď som bol malý chlapec vyrastal v St. Louis, len bojové umenie, ktoré som počul o bol Karate. Taekwondo bola považovaná za kórejský Karate. Nevedel som, že o niektoré z stretávajú umenia v tomto bode. Však, KPLR Channel 11 ran a series of films on Saturdays for a month featuring Mr. Moto, played by Peter Lorre.

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Hackenschmidt Tours St. Louis v roku 1905


Mája 9, 1905 vydanie St. Športový oddiel Louis republiky obsahovala príbeh o nadchádzajúcom stretnutí medzi miestnou zápasník George Baptiste a turné World Wrestling Champion, George Hackenschmidt. The paper did not give Baptiste a chance against Hackenschmidt, ktorý práve porazil Toma Jenkinsa pre majstrovstvá sveta. Je-li editor vedel, “Hack'S” condition at the time, he may have

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How To Spread A Martial Art


3 times over the last 150 rokov, martial artists created more modern versions of older martial arts. Unlike many prior systems, the innovators of these modern martial arts chose to share this information with outsiders and spread their arts around the world. Jigoro Kano’s dissemination of Judo is the best case study for how to develop and spread a martial

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Zbyszko and the Last Shoot Match


Stanislaus Zbyszko was born Stanislaw Jan Cyganiewicz on April 1, 1879 in Jodlow, Poland, which was part of the Austria-Hungarian Empire. Podľa Wikipédie, he chose the ring name Stanislaus Zbyszko because it was the name of a fictional Polish knight. An article in the Walla Walla, Washington newspaper, The Evening Statesman’s Tuesday, Február 8, 1910 edition, publicized Zbyszko’s university and

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Why Do Traditionalist Despise MMA?

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Why do traditional martial artists continue to despise the lessons of mixed martial arts? I am amazed that twenty years after Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 1, some traditional martial arts still feel that they have nothing to learn from MMA. One of the Taekwondo tournaments, where I used to referee, has a submission grappling division. When I had a break, Ja

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