Who Is the Scarlet Claw?


A number of the old Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes movies have recently become available on DVDs and streaming. The Universal series, is well done for a “B” film series. This film would have warmed the audience up for the main feature like Double Indemnity (1944). In the The Scarlet Claw (1944), Sherlock Holmes, played by Rathbone, is in Quebec,

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Wire Thieves Kill Policeman


Before Friday, Április 7, 1916 was over, the Lewis brothers would kill two St. Louis Police Officers, John McKenna and William Dillon. McKenna was the first to fall, when he interrupted the brothers attempts to steal wire, világháború idején értékes árucikknek számított. Dillon would be killed investigating McKenna’s murder. McKenna megbízást kapott a dróttolvajok felkutatására,

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Deadliest Night for St. Louis rendőrség


A leghalálosabb eset St. Louis rendőrség történelem nem egy lövöldözésben, természeti katasztrófa vagy terrorcselekmény. A leghalálosabb eset St. Louis Rendőrség-történeti történt az éjszaka a hétfő, Szeptember 3, 1900. Electricity was the assailant as a power line with 3300 voltos áramot hullott a telefonvonalak, at Eight Street and Carr Avenue. A

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The Mad Doctor Meets the Somnambulist


What happens is the first commercially successful art film. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) was released in January 1920 becoming a German and international sensation. It marked the beginning of the German film revival during the 1920s The German Expressionist Movement in German art strongly influenced this film. Expressionist painters drew buildings sloped at odd angles, oddly shaped furniture,

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